Monday, January 15, 2018

Nowhere to Hide

Overdue Review- Nowhere to Hide

Ok, I'll admit it.  I've been a fan of Cindy Alexander since she opened for my favorite band, America, a LONG time ago. Her amazing pipes and songwriting ability captivated me.  When Cindy announced she was doing an album of ( mostly) fan favorites that were single takes, I was pretty jazzed.  after all, it is in her live performances that you catch her essence. 

The cd has eleven songs, including two new songs by Cindy and covers of three songs,: "Something to Look back on" by Janey Street, "Book of Love " by Stephin Merrit and "Everything I own"  by Bread.

"Fan Favorites" are given a new, live feel.  I especially love the cool piano break in "Heels over Head"  which starts, not with the driving bass drum beat of the studio version, but with a delicate but forceful piano.   I am glad for the inclusion of "I See Stars" which showcases her lovely crystal voice and "Idiot Child"- one of MY favorites (thanks Cindy!)  The new song "The song will always find you"  has such a wistful , poignant message to it; Classic Cindy at her best.  I have to tell you I REALLY LOVE the song "Something to Look Back On"  I keep listening to it on repeat.   It totally resonates with me.   I hate to admit, but I can't listen to "Everything I Own" right now.  I listened once and was sobbing so hard I had to pull over- the downside of listening in the car.  It reminds me of my parents too much.  It IS lovely  I just can't get through it.

Be sure to wait for the little bonus at the end of "Wonderful" , you will get a warm feeling of who this incredible singer/songwriter is.    She has reached out to her fans with a not-so-secret wish to have a CD on the Billboard charts.  Buy the CD  If you like it, do what I did, buy one for someone you think will like it too.  I did.  I sent it to my sister in Oregon.  Jo- check your mailbox!  I think you're gonna love it!