Friday, December 31, 2021

So this is Christmas

 ok  I ma a bit late in my Christmas musings, but I have been busy and still struggling to get better from the wicked infection- NOT COVID- that had me at Kaiser multiple times in the last four weeks

I have been thinking, again, about Christmas in general and Christmas in America in particular.  A certain faction of Mag-nuts have declared that we have  a "war on Christmas"  and wring their tiny hands and wail about it.  So... they shuttered or burned your Churches?  No?  They imprisoned or murdered you faith leaders?   No?  They forbade you from celebrating in your homes?  No  They simply encouraged you to acknowledge that {GASP!} not everyone celebrates Christmas and to wish people "Happy Holidays"?  OH Man's inhumanity!

Get over it.

The F- your feeling crowd certainly had a lot of whining these days.  The guy who said "let's Go Brandon" to Joe Biden is crying that he is being criticized for his behavior.  Someone forgot to tell him that Freedom of Speech comes with consequences and you can SAY what you want but people  with opposing views can also say what THEY want.  It's how it works, Dude.

We have to stop making stupid people famous for doing stupid things.

I did not get to finish this in a timely manner, and I need to post a New Year's Eve blog....  Maybe coffee will help.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Random thoughts on the news

 As the song says "reading the news and it sure looks bad"

 School shootings.  I remember during the pandemic the Right was all over social media saying  "GEE there have been no school shootings and no mall shootings" as if the fact that there were no LARGE gatherings of people for these yahoos to shoot at were not the reason.  The thought it was St Donald of Grift  who was responsible.  Now there is that horrific shooting in Michigan and there were unconfirmed rumors of copycats.  Let's stop making criminals famous.  I breathlessly await Marjorie Taylor Greene's offer to this kid of a spot on her staff.  I hope he does not go to trial, just pleads guilty and is put away forever for trying to kill a bunch of people.  His folks bear some responsibility, but his mother famously posted a fawning letter to tRump, so not much hope from that corner.  I  wonder if she thinks  he will help her son post bail?

I see his "parents"  were on the run and caught in Detroit, hiding in a warehouse. I am looking for a better word than "parents"  for those monsters who created this kid and basically shaped him to be what he became.  WHO THE HELL BUYS A 14 year old a semi-auto handgun as a CHRISTMAS PRESENT?  ok, if you are into hunting ( and I know people who hunt and it's ok if you don't just kill the animal and leave it to rot after taking the trophy from its carcass)  The text from the mother are particularly telling.  "Learn not to get caught"?  The fact that they ignored this kid's cry for help just slays me.  "Nope, no problem with OUR boy.  Its all you libtards out there.  GO SECOND AMENDEMENT. " sheesh.

I hope they throw the book at them.  Ethan is guilty of murder.  Period. They gave him the gun and probably the rhetoric that shaped him into doing it.

Why do you plead the 5th if you are not guilty?  Looks like that lawyer tRump conned is ( in the infamous words od Doonsbury's Mark Slackmeyer )GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY.  The truth will out.  C'mon, why are you doing this?  Even your Master said "Only the Mob takes the 5th"  yep.  Why didn't he just fall back on what tRump does in HIS depos?  "I don't recall"  "I can't remember"   and "I do not know that person"  

What are they trying to hide?  Does tRump think that his Presidential papers are his private possession and HE alone has jurisdiction over them?  That is the problem with electing someone with NO governmental experience and the hubris to believe he knows everything and does not need to learn. I pray that the courts will force his hand.   If he is not guilty of what they are investigating, why is he trying so hard to stall them?

Looking for "good" news, I am having trouble finding much.  Everything Congress needs to do to improve this country is met with outlandish resistance by the Republican Party.  It's almost as if they want us to fail.  I wonder who is lining their pockets to make that a reality.