Another mass shooting in Texas. Surprise Surprise Surprise. The whole cowboy mentality of that state is beginning to wear thin. How many COWBOYS carried AR-15s?
I'll answer that. None.
So why does Texas have so many people who think they need to carry weapons of mass murder- because let's face it that's what those guns are made to do, kill people. I think the NRA is somewhat to blame along with years of the Ultra right telling us we should be afraid, as white people, that we will no longer be "in charge" and we should make damn certain that people of color don't get the upper hand. The fear mongering of the right is disgusting.
The whole "the way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun thing plays to the White Superhero myth that is prevalent in a lot of these states with Open Carry laws. It never quite works out. The staff at that school in Tennessee were reportedly armed, but six people died. When someone bursts into the room carrying a weapon that can shoot multiple rounds before you can even reach for your weapon it does not matter if you are a good guy or a good shot.
It looks like this person was also one of Trump's "patriots" There is a whole scare tactic being put out that masses of immigrants will be flooding the border (which is related to the expiration of a Trump era law) so expect more shoot-em-ups to take place in Texas,
I suspect the NRA is behind quite a bit of the legislation, filling the coffers of politicians with dirty money from gun makers. The NRA used to be about gun safety and proper use of firearms. NOW it's about their misinterpretation of the Second Amendment and fear mongering that the Democrats are somehow "coming for your guns', something they have been putting out there since Clinton was President. They are serving up fear and the Right is eating it with both hands.
I have a lot of family and friend who live in Texas, but I would not move there if you gave me the deed to Southfork. Not while Abbott and his ilk are in charge.
I pray for the people who were impacted by this latest rampage. But I believe it's pray THAN ACT. I'm just not sure what to do.
I'll have to think about that and get back to you.