Saturday, July 18, 2015


There has been a lot made recently, about Caitlyn Jenner receiving the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage  I looked it up and found this description of the award:

"The Ashe Award is one of the most prestigious in sports. Recipients reflect the spirit of Arthur Ashe, possessing strength in the face of adversity, courage in the face of peril and the willingness to stand up for their beliefs no matter what the cost."

There have been countless memes posted, showing soldiers and firefighters rescuing people, stating "THIS is courage", missing the point of the Ashe Award.  Ashe himself contracted AIDS through a blood transfusion, during a period of time when the disease was feared  and the transmission was misunderstood.  It was a "punishment" according to some conservative ultra-right wing fanatics, but Ashe had the disease and was public about it. Was that considered a courageous act?  By many, it was; and what adversity he faced as a public figure makes that clear.

I looked up past recipients:

1993-Jim Valvano
1994-Steve Palermo
1995-Howard Cosell
1996-Loretta Claiborne
1997-Muhammad Ali
1998-Dean Smith
1999-Billie Jean King
2000-William David Sanders
2001-Cathy Freeman
2002-Todd Beamer, Mark Bingham, Tom Burnett, and Jeremy Glick
2003-Pat Tillman and Kevin Tillman
2004-George Weah
2005-Emmanuel Ofosu Yeboah and Jim MacLaren
2006-Roia Ahmad and Shamila Kohestani
2007-Trevor Ringland and David Cullen from Peace Players International
2008-Tommie Smith and John Carlos
2009-Nelson Mandela
2010-Family of Ed Thomas
2011-Dewey Bozella
2012-Pat Summitt
2013-Robin Roberts
2014-Michael Sam
2015-Caitlyn Jenner

Only a couple of these people were actual "Heroes" by the narrow definition of the mean spirited memes; that is they saved actual lives in their deeds.  But most faced adversity publicly and with great grace, teaching by example how to be a hero.

It takes courage to do what Caitlyn Jenner has done and continues to do.  To live her life on her terms, despite what must be immense pressure to continue with the societal norm.  Bruce had it all on the outside; a beautiful home a loving family a great career, but he was not happy.  As Caitlyn, I think she will find what she has always sought and in doing so gives hope to others who may be struggling with the same challenge.  Who is to say that she has not prevented some soul from suicide, but in the act of becoming visible has allowed a dialog to begin.  

So to those who say that Jenner is not deserving of the award, I ask you to look at your definition of courage and tell me why NOT.  Please don't say, "we need to honor the soldiers who were killed in Tennessee" ( which happened after the award was given) or try to name someone you feel is MORE deserving ( that's kind of a Kanye West thing isn't it?)  Tell me how Caitlyn Jenner does not embody strength in the face of adversity and a willingness to stand up for her beliefs no matter the cost.


  1. Oh, my goodness, I think this have never happened before - me not agreeing with you.
    Well, first I thought - KANYE?!?!?!?! Then I realized you did NOT mean he deserved the award, so we are board there.
    Read my remarks in your column about the cover of the Rolling Stone. I said it all there. I am certainly willing and even eager to have time prove me wrong, but so far, not seeing it. Tom

  2. My comment is that there are all types of courage and maybe she wasn't the best choice for the award except that it does bring transgender issues to the forefront and that is probably why she was given the award.


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