Thursday, July 28, 2016

Politics, Politics, Politics

It's only July and I am tired of the political crap already.  I cannot believe the Republicans could not find anyone but Don The Con, as I like to think of him, to run for president. I keep thinking that he is going to open his fat mouth and say something so horrific that his own party will jettison him.  Yesterday he got close.  Frankly, I hope he keeps going.  He is not a leader in any way, shape or form.  I got into a "discussion" with a friend of a friend who defaulted to threats of fear, telling me I should brush up on my Syrian.  I feel like finding that thread and saying "How's your Russian, Comrade?" but I won't.  We have bigger things to think about.  I also have friends who are so pissed off that Bernie didn't get the nod that they are actively working to  make sure Hillary does not get elected.  Given what is predicted to be a tight race, I cannot imagine people who don't realize this is still a two-party system, no matter what they would like it to be, and that a vote elsewhere is a vote for Der Trump. My hope is that his own party will back off of supporting him.  Yesterday, his own VP made a QUICK rebuttal to what he had to say about the emails and the Russians.  AND WHERE are his tax returns???  If he is such a  great businessman, shouldn't he be PROUD of them. Those documents will never see the light of day, if HE has anything to say about it.  I would be willing to bet if we DO see them, they will be phonies anyway.

I will be doing my best to get the vote out, to talk to people about why Hillary Rodham Clinton is the ONLY choice for President.  I can't help but think if she were a man,we would not be having this discussion at all.  The thing about this country that gets me is that we frame ourselves as leaders on the world stage, but we can be some of the most backward thinking people on the planet, women and "minorities" ( the quote marks are because people of color are fast becoming the majority in this country and white America needs to get over itself about it)  We have bigger issues to face.  The Republican candidate wants us all to lose hope and to be afraid; to hide in our bedrooms- if we are heterosexual we can hide there with our spouse- and pull the blankets over our heads and scream GO AWAY.    We cannot do this and I hope we will not.  I talk to people in other countries who tell me that they are watching with disgust and trepidation.  Me too!


  1. I do not consider myself a very political person usuallyl, but even I am getting drawn into this, and am considering finding the Pasadena Clinton headquarters - surely there must be one? - and volunteering to do something. As a gay male, I think I have a lot to lose if Trump is elected. As a liberal American, I for sure know I do. I am finding that suddenly the Trump campagin, or perhaps Trump himself, has now justified the white underbelly of our nation flaunting their bigotry, hatred and prejudices. It is now OK - even fashionable, to be racist, sexist, homophobic, and God knows what else "ists."

    1. I walk with a cane. Every step is painful, sometimes it is agony to walk but I am SERIOUSLY considering pollwalking for Hillary. I am afraid,not of the picture that Trump paints, but of the reality of the horror that this country would become under his presidency.


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