Thursday, November 24, 2016


Well it's Thanksgiving Day already and I neglected to post ANYTHING this month about things I am thankful for.  It's been a hellish month already  so I am going through my "list" in no particular order:

Naturally I am thankful for friends and family.  That goes without saying but I have to say it anyway.  This year has been like a terror train funhouse ride. Just when you think it is over and you can see daylight, some ax-wielding clown pops out of the darkness.  I have clung to my friends my family and what is left of my faith.  I am not sure I should even pray anymore, every time I do God seems to answer me with the exact opposite of what I pray about.   I am not asking for money or anything ridiculous but this year God has tested my resolve.  Maybe I should just back off asking and see what He has for me.

I am thankful for the doctors and nurses who helped our Mom this past month.  She has a hard road to go, but she is one feisty chick!

I am thankful for my mentor, who is leaving the job far too soon. I am angry that he is, but grateful for his tutelage and the way he changed how I look at things.  As the song goes "because I knew you I have been changed for good"

I am thankful that MY doctors talked me into making a few drastic changes in my life.  I also have a long way until I am better, but I AM better than I was this time last year.   I am off a LOT of the meds and have lost 30 pounds.   It's been a hard year, but I am fighting back.

I am thankful for my colleagues at the Library.  Recently, in a General Meeting, they spoke to my General Manager about me and gave me a standing ovation.  I cannot tell you how that made me feel, to know that they realize the job I am trying to do and appreciate it.  It was a real love-fest and it made me feel better about the job.  Just that day, I had been feeling quite discouraged.  My angels must have conspired to make me see that I am making a difference and for that I am truly grateful.

I am thankful for food on the table, a roof over my head, the love of my soulmate and the opportunity to show that love can make a difference in this world. The hateful rhetoric of "That" man that now flows freely from people who think they are empowered to hate has made me realize that those of us who do not believe in that sort of thing have a struggle before us.   We can make this a better place, one person at a time.  If you believe that one man can't make a difference, ( whatever your faith) I can tell you a story about a Jewish Carpenter.

Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. As I have said over and over again, your "love fest" is so richly deserved! AND - anything else wonderful that comes along your way!



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