Sunday, August 30, 2020


 I was thinking about how hateful the world has become.  How anger and violence have become the norm in my country.  It has somehow become acceptable to scream invectives, to name-call, to belittle in order to get your way.

It's like Biff from Back to the Future is in charge of things.

It's funny, I have been trying to remember my German, after forty plus years of being away from any formal schooling in the language.  MY father and I spoke it with each other- he had learned  a bit in his teens working in a place in upstate New York at a place called the Dutch Mill.  The owner was German, but Germans were not acceptable after World War One, so they all became "Dutch" ( the Amish were Pennsylvania  Dutch for instance)  I thought of the word for "ugly" this morning for no particular reason except for its literal translation.  Hässlich means hate-like  To be considered ugly , you must have hate in your heart.

Peaceful protests are being taken over by those whose agenda is contrary to the mission of the protest and what begins in a lawful assembly can de-evolve to a riot in the blink of an eye.  The problem is exacerbated when the President cheers on those who are creating mayhem and branding those people who are protesting for a change in policy as somehow being fascists ( look up "fascist" to see the irony of that statement)  Antifa is literally anyone who is anti FASCIST, so all your World War II dads and grand dads are now on the WRONG side of Trump-ism.

Back to my original thought.  Hate makes you ugly.  Hate grows around your heart and makes you a bitter person.  We need to get back to where we can listen thoughtfully to all sides of an argument and move forward as one.  

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Faith- and I will probably offend someone here

 My husband and I had an online argument with  a "distant " relative ( to be precise she is related to his half-brother on his mother's side and since they share a father, I wonder if you can even count that)  She thinks Trump was sent by God himself and got all up in our faces about her faith and her "personal relationship with Jesus Christ"  Ok. 

The thing I find about most hard-core evangelicals is that when they are LOSING an argument, they drag Jesus into it, as if he is some sort of Deus ex Machina to end any discussion, as if accusing someone of being Godless is some kind of victory lap.  I went to Sunday School and can quote  ( or look up) Scripture with the best of them.  When I threw a few NEW Testament verses at her, she went all Old Testament on me. She went off on me about "Fearing God". Why the HECK would I fear God?  I read somewhere that a Hebrew word meaning ' respect" was poorly translated and the word "Fear" was used instead.  Some religions try to scare you into faith ( much like the current "platform" of the Republican Party, but I digress)  I gave her tit for tat and she blocked us.  Probably better that way.

 My question to Trump supporters- and it's a REAL question is- WHAT is Christlike about Trump?  You know Jesus helped the poor, stood for the downtrodden, tried to unite us all in loving one another.  He wasn't motivated to accumulate wealth.

I doubt he had a junior high style nickname for Pontius Pilate.  

These days, I am remembering why I stopped going to church.  It was the parishioners that drove me away. I saw their judgmental behavior, gossiping about someone's clothes or their lives in hand-rubbing glee that turned me away from belonging to any particular denomination.  I still consider myself to be a Christian, but the people who are waving their Bibles in the air and proclaiming Trump as God's chosen are exactly the kind of people who drove me from a faith community.

The people of faith I most admire are those who "walk in faith"  they don't just pay it lip service but really behave  day-to-day- in a way that speaks well of their faith- whatever it may be.  My dad used to say people would "Go to Church on Sunday and to Hell on Monday"  meaning the minute they walked out the church door the sermon was forgotten.

He was right in the case of the church I attended and a few years after I left it, the Church closed. They sold the building to another church of a different denomination, folded their tents and left town.

Still, I have a good Biblical education, although they did choose what to teach and what not to teach from the Bible.  There are so many horrific stories of rape and violence in the Bible, probably not suitable for elementary school kids to hear about..  I have no desire to try to read it cover to cover.  It's a hard thing to do and it takes a commitment I do not have at this stage of the game.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Doctor's orders

I had a long conversation with my doctor yesterday.  We talked about a lot of things, including the state of my mental health.  I told her about the house flood and the broken toe- all in the two months since we had last spoken.  We talked about being housebound, due to my medical conditions in the time of the Corona virus

"what are you doing  for self-care"

I knew she would ask, so I had thought about it.  I AM trying to cook more "interesting" meals ( last night's version of Marsala sauce was good enough to write down)   but I can't really exercise with the stupid knee high boot.  I can't go out and take photos and road trips are out as well.

"Are you writing?"

Well, no not really.  I hit a place where I couldn't write anything that I wanted anyone else to read.  HECK  I didn't even want to read it and most of it wound up in the deleted pile.

I need to try.  So I am sitting here, trying  not really succeeding.  I am trying NOT to think too much about politics, except to hope we come to our senses when it comes to The Orange Menace.  Even the Evangelicals are starting to get a clue, except those who believe God sent him to us  to save us.  Michael Cohen has a book coming out and he is TALKING about Trump.  I love that he says "You don't have to like me,you just have to believe me."  When so MANY people say the same thing about someone, it is time to take a closer look.

I had better get to work.  I will be trying to write something every day.  Whether it will be readable is another story.

Friday, August 14, 2020


We knew he would pick a woman, thought it would be a woman of color, so the choice of Kamala Harris as  Joe Biden's running mate is not a HUGE surprise.  

I like her.  I know if she were our presidential candidate,I would vote for her.  Trumplethinskin is already claiming she is not a citizen. uh  Fat Donnie, if her MOTHER wasn't a citizen ( but was here legally) she is.  The rules apply to YOU too .Did you KNOW  Fat Donnie's MOTHER was NOT a citizen when HE was born???  Truth.  So turn about is fair play, as the saying goes.  GEE.  Can we  delegitimize HIS entire presidency?  Food for thought.

I think Ms Harris will be a wonderful Vice President.  Republican heads exploded everywhere and there is now a black woman  a"heartbeat from the presidency" ( see Theodore Roosevelt)  This must make them VERY VERY nervous.

Ms. Harris was a prosecutor in San Francisco. People tend to HATE prosecutors,   I try to remember that while the Defense speaks for the accused, the Prosecutor speaks for the victim, often giving voice to the dead.  They speak to the rule of law.  And while I have seen some cases that were presented that were just miscarriages of justice ( where the police made up the evidence to suit their theories and to chalk up one more in their "win" column) I realizes that both sides of the case must be presented as much as is possible to gain the correct outcome.  People will complain about her record or incarceration.  She did her job to the best of her ability.  

I believe she will be a great partner to Joe and an asset to this country, unlike the current sycophant who practically drools when gazing on his Dear Orange Leader.  I wonder if "Mother" is jealous?  I personally think she's a beard for Pence.  What she got out of it , we cannot know.  Maybe she didn't know his true self, when she married him- may  he didn't either. He's so deep in the closet he needs a flashlight and a road-map

I am looking at the next three months with a mixture of hope and dread.  The Dear Orange Leader is doing EVERYTHING he can to "fix" the election in his favor.  We need to fight back, get our Democracy back and fix what he broke.