Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Doctor's orders

I had a long conversation with my doctor yesterday.  We talked about a lot of things, including the state of my mental health.  I told her about the house flood and the broken toe- all in the two months since we had last spoken.  We talked about being housebound, due to my medical conditions in the time of the Corona virus

"what are you doing  for self-care"

I knew she would ask, so I had thought about it.  I AM trying to cook more "interesting" meals ( last night's version of Marsala sauce was good enough to write down)   but I can't really exercise with the stupid knee high boot.  I can't go out and take photos and road trips are out as well.

"Are you writing?"

Well, no not really.  I hit a place where I couldn't write anything that I wanted anyone else to read.  HECK  I didn't even want to read it and most of it wound up in the deleted pile.

I need to try.  So I am sitting here, trying  not really succeeding.  I am trying NOT to think too much about politics, except to hope we come to our senses when it comes to The Orange Menace.  Even the Evangelicals are starting to get a clue, except those who believe God sent him to us  to save us.  Michael Cohen has a book coming out and he is TALKING about Trump.  I love that he says "You don't have to like me,you just have to believe me."  When so MANY people say the same thing about someone, it is time to take a closer look.

I had better get to work.  I will be trying to write something every day.  Whether it will be readable is another story.

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