Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Summer's almost gone

 I woke up this morning with Jim Morrison's voice in my head.  That particular song was one that resonated this morning  Here's the link


As a kid, I loved his voice, and as an adult I still do.  He didn't have a lot of range but his delivery was .. wow.  

This song was one I was thinking about this morning.  "When Summer's  gone, where will we be?"  As a kid  Summer meant FUN (as the Beach Boys sang)   Waking up when you woke up, not for school.  Going swimming in the local pool or going to the beach.  At night, when I was in High School, hanging out with friends, sitting in the hills talking and laughing.  Nights seemed, in my memory, always warm and full of promise.  Summer was like that too;  Full of adventure.

Now Summer is just a hot day.  We run the AC and worry about the power bill.  We have been cooped up due to the pandemic, but things are easing here in California,  I have seen Midsummer night's dream- TWICE, gone to the Pageant of the Masters and seen Hamilton.  I have missed the arts.  I flew to Vegas to spend time with my grandkids, which is a story for another day, but my walker "Wheels" had QUITE an adventure.

While I remain hopeful for the future, I am , lately , woolgathering about Summers gone.   

1 comment:

  1. And yet, I find myself looking towards the fall. Lately it has been a bit cooler (even rain last week!) and this morning it seemed almost autumnal. Of course, I know we are having more 90-something days ahead, but I still look forward to fall - sweater, bourbon cocktails, heartier meals, the holidays ahead - maybe we can actually DO something this year! AND - now that I am a "grown-up," NO SCHOOL! Tom


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