"The water won't clear up until we get the pigs out of the creek"
I read that this afternoon and immediately thought about the state of the current Republican Party.
Let's start with the pig at the top, shall we?
Where to begin with the Former Guy? The information coming out about his responsibility for the insurrection is not surprising. What I S surprising is the number of people who refuse to believe it . I suppose it's because they are so invested in the Big Lie, they refuse to believe they have been duped. The Former Guy is a Con Man- and they were conned BIG TIME. Things to consider:
1- He is insisting on immunity from prosecution . Immunity means you are guilty of something, like asking for a pardon or taking the 5th. If I were accused of a crime, I would be moving heaven and earth to prove my innocence, not hiding behind lawyers who have been disbarred or are up to their ears in their OWN legal quagmires.
2-he does not seem to understand that all Presidential papers belong to the National Archives, not mildewing in some cardboard box in Mar-a-Lago. Even IF the documents are sealed by Executive Privilege, they are not "his" as far as I understand. I think he may have realized that he did some fairly illegal things and put them in writing and what got flushed down the toilet is only part of his dirty deeds.
3- HE released the information about the FBI serving a legal search warrant and continues to characterize it as a "raid" The media is following suit. They need to stop that. It looks like the FBI gave the warrant to whoever was in charge and was let in. They DID time it so The Former Guy was out of town, but that may have just been coincidence. No doors were kicked in, no guns were drawn No employees held at gunpoint while boxes marked "Top Secret" were removed from the closets and basements of the hotel he calls home.
4- He had his attorney lie about the documents. While no one is shocked that he would lie ( how do you tell when Donald Trump is lying? His lips are moving) I am sure the attorney, looking at losing their license is less than amused.
5-He seems to think he still has Presidential powers. Well Citizen Trump, you don't. You can waive your tiny orange hand and magically declassify documents 18 months AFTER you lost your job. If I had boxes of sensitive papers kicking around MY apartment, I am sure I would be in a small room wearing orange by now
Herschel Walker. Seriously a carpet-bagging brain damaged ex football player who thinks China is stealing our good air? well it IS Georgia, and yes I have some good friends who live there but they did elect Marge- she ran unopposed and didn't get 100% of the vote so there IS hope.
Dr. Oz Another carpetbagging Charlatan. I have been donating to Fetterman since the early days of his campaign. I have deep roots in PA- look up Rowland Shovel Works- Anetta Rowland is my five times great grandmother. Initially, I was concerned that an idiot distant Cousin ( think the Cosby case debacle) would run for the Senate seat and I needed to do SOMETHING to uphold the family honor. He didn't but OZ is even worse. At least Cousin Bruce has Philly roots.
There is so much more, I do not agree with Liz Cheney's politics but I admire her goal of taking Trump out of the equation or keeping him out of the White House. They need to remove the crazy or create a new party. Maybe Trump can go hunting with Liz' Dad.