Tuesday, August 23, 2022



Making abortion illegal will NOT make it go away.  It will simply make it illegal.  And Dangerous.  

The Christofacists who are running things these days don't care after the child is born, they simply want to force women to give birth.  Women who have sex are somehow, shameful, and when they become pregnant they must suffer for that shame ( "In pain shall you bring forth children"   and remember that sex is considered the Original Sin)

There is a lot of talk about making abortion legal in the instances of rape or incest, reinforcing that a woman is not entitled to make her own decision, that in order to qualify fo a medical procedure, she must first have been violated.

There is the SECOND part of the movement gaining traction- making BIRTH CONTROL illegal.  The Christofacists believe, somehow, that PREVENTING conception is ALOS an abortion and therefore illegal and a "sin against God".  

Once again for the Back of the House- The PROBIRTH movement is NOT about "saving unborn babies" it's about controlling women's bodies and their lives.

Abortion is a decision made by a woman, her partner (usually) and her doctor.  Period.  No one should make that choice for her.  Not the courts, not a faith leader, not some nut with a sign in front of a healthcare clinic.  They have their toe in the door to prevent any kind of comprehensive care for a woman's reproductive rights.   We must stand in the fire to prevent this.

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