Saturday, March 25, 2023

political musings part 3 Million

 Can someone PLEASE buy Gym Jordan a suit-coat?  Poor man, he looks underdressed in those Senate Hearings. I wonder if he practices "looking angry" in his bathroom mirror.  I get it, his Schtick is that he is a common man, one of the people and he won't wear a "monkey suit" when doing his job.  The problem is he has no idea what he can and can't do and his letter to Alvin Bragg is a glaring example of what he does not understand about the law.

Speaking of Mr. Bragg, isn't it illegal to publicly threaten a public official to try to prevent them from doing their job?  Trump and the rest of the Hitler Youth who follow him are busy making threats.  Trump no longer controls the DOJ- which NO PRESIDENT EVER SHOULD- so he is terrified that he will actually have to go to court and face justice for his crimes.  His past abuse of the legal system has allowed him to delay, threaten and force the people who sued him to settle for pennies because HE had a huge legal network of shysters willing to file numerous delaying motions until people gave up.  He does not realize that the US courts are willing to wait him out and he is throwing legal spaghetti against the wall to see what sticks.  He looks like an idiot to anyone who understands what the charges are, but his base, the uneducated people he claims to adores, think  there is nothing there.  He is not being charged with having sex with a porn star ( one night does not an "affair" make in my book- and he just wanted to have another notch in his proverbial bedpost- sleaze-weasel.)  The charge is illegal campaign contributions and I think the charge can stick.  Michael Cohen, who took the fall for Trump and realized he had been had when Trump did not pardon him , has the receipts.

I eagerly await the Georgia case- although the Rethuglicans who run that state are doing their best to throw a monkey wrench in that one.  I hope Fani Willis gets out ahead of them and indicts him before they remove her for prosecuting him.  HOW do you justify that?  If it were the Democrats doing this, I would be equally horrified.  It smacks of what Netanyahu is trying to do in Israel, but the Israelis are protesting it in droves.  Here, it seems to be a nothing burger in Georgia.  It is the first goose-step toward Fascism .

I can't wait to see what special investigator Jack Smith  does with the DOJ case.  since the Mango Mussolini lied to his own legal team and got them in all sorts of legal trouble, I wonder if they will turn State's Evidence?  I sure as heck would  "Your Honor, my client assured me that he had followed the law and had done his due diligence in searching for all the records that were requests.  How was I to know the slob  had them stashed under his greasy Big Mac wrappers in his desk?"  Why ANY self-respecting lawyer would work for the Former Guy is beyond my ken.  He has a history of ruining their careers ( see Sidney Powel and  Rudy Giuliani, to name two) or not paying them (" it's an HONOR just to work with me and you should be able to get more clients because of that")

Speaking of fascism- How about the not-so-great state of Florida?  The principal showed a statue of Michelangelo's' David  and was forced to resign, because it was porn????  ok Michelangelo= porn but Melania showing he hoo-ha in a photoshoot is "art"  Got it.

Banning books. I have to point out the obvious Nazi connection here ( wanna bet the horrors of Nazism are one of the things the Neocon governor does NOT want taught in public schools?)  You want to limit what YOUR child can read?  I'm cool with that.  You want to limit what MINE can read  NO WAY  and it's a battle.  I loved the 100 year old woman, taking on her local school board about banned book.  YOU GO Grace Linn!!!.

I think Democrats need to play the same dirty game as the Republicans.  We are too nice. and we let them get away with stuff we should be challenging. I am tired, but I will be joining protests as best I can- PEACEFUL ONES  I will not show up in tactical gear with zip ties.

This nonsense has got to stop.  The news media has to stop giving him air on every tweet on his failing Social media network.  As Paul Simon sings "I don't find this stuff amusing anymore."

1 comment:

  1. As a librarian, you know what I think of censorship. And yes, all I can think of here is Germany in the 30's. But Yahoo is not letting me call DeSantis a Nazi, or even Der Fuehrer.


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