Sunday, March 31, 2024

Happy Easter

 He is Risen.

With those words, spoken by a woman ( although later are attributed to men) the promise of the Christian Faith was fulfilled.

As I look at faith today, I am struck by how narrow minded it can be.  The Evangelicals who are backing the Orange Monster seem to think they and they alone have an understanding of and an ownership of God.  

The funny thing is they do it with hate.

They hate anyone who is not white

They hate anyone who is gay

They hate anyone who does not conform to their very narrow understanding of a functioning society.

I don't know what Bible they are reading, but the New Testament is all about....  LOVE

Jesus greatest command to his followers was "love ye one another"

I don't think he only meant the 12 guys who were his disciples, but anyone who followed his teachings.

I stopped going to church and following a certain sect of Christianity when I realized the hypocrisy in the congregations I was exposed to, and while I still consider myself a Christian, I don't find any comfort in church.

So today, as I dye my eggs and make a ham- both very traditional celebrations that are vaguely Pagan- I will ponder my faith and why people murder each other over  what amounts to a difference of opinion.

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