Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Veganism and the Maginot Line

We have friends who are militant vegans.  Well, maybe friends isn't the right word here, because recently they have taken to attacking the lifestyle choices that everyone else makes in an effort to bring us around to their way of thinking.  Pardon me, but the way to get me to think is NOT to bash me over the head and while I am glad you find something that works for you and that you are passionate about, please don't sit there insulting me in hopes it will change my mind.  It just makes me mad and ends any hope you may have of discussing your opinion with me.

The "you are perpetrating animal cruelty" argument got me to thinking about the Maginot Line.  After WWI , the French became SO convinced that the Germans would attack from a certain direction that they constructed an immobile defense line along that way.  Of course, the Germans, seeing that, attacked a different way.  When you plant yourself so firmly that you are unmovable, it ceases to be a discussion.  It's more like that old "Is NOT.. Is TOO!" argument you got into in grade school.  Pointless.  The fact that humans have been omnivores for centuries somehow escapes notice.  The real "culprit" here is not the person who chooses to continue to be an omnivore, but the large corporations whose practices are the ones being pointed out.  I highly doubt that the entire planet will "go vegan" on the say-so of a few very passionate people.  They really need to address the problems in the meat processing industry, but sadly they won't.   Maybe some will, but most will continue to berate, rather than educate.

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