Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thinking about "country sayings"

I was thinking yesterday about the saying "Life is uncertain.  Eat dessert first"  Now I have been known to eat chocolate cake or pie for breakfast, but I was really thinking about what this meant.  I suppose you could take it literally and eat your sweets before you eat your meal, but I think it's more than that.  To my way of thinking, it reminds me that because you never know what is going to happen, you should do the things you want to do most, first.  Enjoy the sweet of your life as much as possible.  You just never know.

For the last few months, I have been incredibly busy and although I get a good deal of satisfaction from it, I have not had the chance to stop and enjoy the sweets of my life.  My own fault, really; but I had NO idea that ALL my volunteer projects would converge in the month of March.  Two are over and I THOUGHT one more was over last week, but alas that is not quite the case and I am still dealing with the nastiness of people who persist in "looking for Commies in the woodpile"  I really don't want to interact with some of these people when I am done with this, although in some cases I must on a limited basis.  I will try to smile, grit my teeth and be a professional.  I just want to smack some sense into a few of them.  Some are very reasonable in their discussions.  Some are just going off on a rant at me.  One person called for everyone involved to be fired.  FIRED?  I'm a VOLUNTEER.  Maybe she should look up the word.  The thing that concerns me, even frightens me, is that these people are administrative level staff, the ones who are "supposed" to have an education.  I just want this OVER!

Chris and I will be going away this weekend.  Just the two of us.  It's been a while since our various projects and other issues have taken over our lives and we have some couple time.  I am looking forward to doing NOTHING but hanging out with my best friend in the world.  Quality time with Chris is JUST what the doctor ordered!

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your weekend with your fab hubby. DO NOT think about work, volunteer stuff, stupid people (many we have in common)! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! XO


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