Sunday, March 30, 2014

A couple of days worth of thought

I have been really busy lately, working with my various "volunteer" projects and have been to wiped out to take real time to write anything ( my apologies to Tom who thinks the WORST has happened to me if I don't post something every day)

So here is what I have been meaning to write, but have not;

Friday.  Finally.  My union voted AGAIN on the contract given to us by the City.  It was a NASTY battle.  It passed by FOUR votes.  I have been taking a lot of abuse, as the Election Committee Chair; first for NOT voicing my opinion and simply urging people to vote T|HEN when I DID state my opinion, I got slammed for that.  Oh well.. 

My Union nominated me for an award from the Harry Bridges Institute for the work that I have done in support of the union.  It honors labor leader Cesar Chavez and his work with social justice.  I feel honored, but a little embarrassed as I don't think what I do for my union as anything spectacular.  I think involvement is necessary as a member of the union.  A lot of the "younger generation" think that everything should be done FOR them and they can just sit on their duffs and collect the benefits.  I am a child of the Sixties, activism is part of my childhood.  As they say, if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. 

Saturday marked the fourth anniversary of my Dad crossing over.  I miss him every day and hear him in my head.  I lean on some of the talks we had and some of the advice he gave me when I am stressed out, which seems to be a lot these days.  My Dad was a very funny guy and some of the things he used to say just fall out of my mouth.  It's funny, you don't really look at your parents as people until you become an adult. I look at photos of my parents before they became parents and saw two fun loving young people in love.  There IS a photo of my mom with her legs draped over the arm of a chair which had me HOWLING.  I can't tell you how many times she yelled at ME not to do that, but there, in black and white, is evidence of HER doing it!

Last night I went out to see Julian Michael, an up-and-coming comic I find very funny.  It was at "Inside jokes" at Hollywood and Highland.  This is inside the Chinese Six, not to be confused with the theater I will ALWAYS call Graumann's Chinese no matter WHAT they change the name to.  We were on the guest list, but there was a two drink minimum at the door, so be aware if you go that's how it works.  We went up to the VIP Lounge- really just the bar where you can redeem your tickets for the drinks.  two "Adult" beverages were 18 bucks, two soft drinks were 13.  The "Adult beverages are better.   We sat around talking in a faux "Asian themed lounge ( Chris remarked it was more like a tunnel than a room), then we were herded into the theater for the show.

It was interesting.  They turned the movie theater into a nightclub, but I would be willing to bet they still show movies during the day.  The new trend in movie houses is to have tables in a VIP area where you can get cocktail service.  Dinner and a movie at insane prices.  I noticed they were selling a BIG bucket ( their words, not mine) of "Movie style" popcorn for $7.50.  Seriously?  What the heck is in the popcorn that they can charge that much for a bucket of it?  Gold flakes???

I have this to say about the show.  I really should have made a note of the Master of Ceremonies name so I will AVOID him in the future.  He was nasty and insulting and just plain vulgar.  He was so misogynistic, I felt like heckling him ( and I never do that) .  The first few comics were ok.  Julian KILLED IT!  He was funny, engaging and his timing was first rate.  This kid is going places.  I was impressed at his stage presence.  The  audience was HOWLING.  The next comic was good ( not as good as Julian) and  I thought , "ok this is getting better"  I was wrong.  What is it about comics these days that they feel taking about women's "lady parts" is comedy?  I wanted to say to to at least a few of them who talked smack about the women they were dating "and THAT'S why you are still single" ( or are not having intimate relations with anyone, if you catch my drift).

The "headliner" was Theo Vaughn, who has a show on Yahoo that I watch from time to time called "Prime time in no time"  He was rude and vulgar and NOT funny.  He was late getting there ( although he had been on for the 8 o"clock show.)  While waiting, we were treated to more of the comic styling of the MC. He was NOT funny having run through all his material in the early going.  When Theo Vaughn made jokes about being molested as a child, it was time to leave.  The seats were uncomfortable for Chris and he had an early morning job anyway.

It's been a busy couple of weeks, and I am looking forward to some down time.  Tomorrow is a holiday ( Cesar Chavez) and I will be sleeping LATE- past 7 a.m for sure!

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