Friday, March 28, 2014

The Number 29

I was thinking about the number 29 recently, as it continues to repaet for important dates or years in my family.  It's weird, so I will share it.

My Mom and Dad lived in Twenty-Nine Palms.

My Dad was 29 when he met my mother and 29 when they married ( whirlwind courtship!)

My Mom was 29 when she had her first baby.  I was 29 when I had Kate.

Both my parents died on the 29th of the month, my Mom in August of 2004 and my Dad in March 2010.

I wonder about numbers and what they might mean, although there is no clear picture of 29  because in Numerology it breaks down to two.  I suppose I will look into it a little more, as I look for patterns. 

Still I find it oddly comforting, as I look at the fourth anniversary of my Dad's crossing over.  I miss him and think of him often.  I will write about him tomorrow.

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