Wednesday, March 26, 2014

"The National" at the Shrine

A friend of mine won ticket to the premiere screening of the documentary film "Mistaken for Strangers" which features the band The National ( an indie band who has been around for ten years - yeah I hadn't heard of them either)  The film was an intimate look at the relationship between two brothers, the filmmaker and the lead singer.  The filmmaker was invited by his brother to be a roadie on their latest world tour.  He decided to film the goings on and make a film, rather than do the job he was hired for.  One thing does lead to another and he does get sacked, you can see it coming like a MAC truck with halogen headlights.  Still the film has poignant moments and the relationship between the two brothers, who are nine years apart, shows through.  I recommend seeing it, even if you have never heard of the band.

The film was followed by a concert by the band.  I was looking forward to hearing them,   I hadn't been to the Shrine in downtown LA in aeons, I think the last time I went, I saw Jackson Browne.  The thing I remember about that concert was that they has taken ALL the doors off the bathroom stalls and posted signs saying "this is not a den for smoking opium"  Seriously.  They had  bathroom attendants who looked like Central Casting for sadistic prison guards watching as we used the facility.  UGH.  Is there a reason I avoided the place?   

There was a break between the film and the concert, during which every woman in the place attempted to use the bathroom.  The line was incredible, but you know, once you start thinking "I should use the restroom" your bladder kicks in and you HAVE to use the restroom.  So I got in line and waited.  And Waited.  Somewhere along the line, women started coming out saying there was no water in the bathroom.  UGH.  Now here is an ironic moment.  My job is dealing with facilities issues and it seems like some days are all one issue all over the system.  YESTERDAY it was bathroom problems.  So here I was at the concert in a place with bathroom issues.  There WAS water, just plumbing problems ( which IMHO was caused by the restroom attendant giving people paper towels, rather than finding TP)  I got back to my seat and the show had already begun.

The band is pretty good, and I will have to go to youtube to really get a sense of them. For a venue as large as the Shrine the sound system was dreadful.  We had seats in the balcony and the sound SHOULD have been wonderful, but alas the vocals were so murky, I couldn't make out a word he was singing.  It's a shame really, because you got a taste of the showmanship in the film and I was looking forward to the live performance.

Question- WHY do you buy tickets to a show, come in two hours late and take selfies and talk over the music?  This couple in front of us annoyingly took about ( and I know I exaggerate sometimes but I think I am close to the mark when I say this) over 50 selfies.  My friend and I tried photo-bombing them and commenting, but they were so clueless and drunk it was pointless.  They finally got the picture they needed, I suppose, and staggered out of the venue to the delight of those of us who wanted to see the show. 

We left before the encore as it was a "School night" and it was a long drive home.  Still it was fun to get out and hang out with my friend.  As a side note, the Shrine was the first place we saw a concert, back in 1972.   We saw James Taylor.  We were Jr High kids.   I still remember it.   I came home reeking of pot, even if I didn't smoke it , I am sure I had a contact high.. 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a good time, I think? Or at least it was an interesting night. And even if those annoying people took 50 selfies. I agree tho, very annoying. I'll have to check them out on You tube too. Maybe the sound is better at some of their other shows, I hope? Jen


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