Tuesday, March 25, 2014

"It's an expression"

I've been thinking of things my Dad used to say.  He was something of a collector of "country phrases" and they sometimes come out of my mouth, like:

"Your rights end at my nose"  I have said that more than a few times lately.  I don't think I understood it as a child, but as an adult it makes a lot of sense.  People these days think they have the "right" to do whatever they want and try to force their rights down your throat.  I am getting tired of being overly careful not to tread on anyone while not getting the same courtesy.

I woke up the other morning thinking "Things are seldom what they seem, when skim milk masquerades as cream" That really applies to a situation recently that may or may not be concluded.  This person pretended to be "cream" but wasn't even 2% milk, if you get what I mean.  The hardest part is that due to rules I must adhere to, I can't say anything.  I just hope to never have to deal with this person again. Ever. I also hope that, as my Dad used to say "the truth will out"

I have been pondering the expression "a nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse"   well, OBVIOUSLY , but what the HECK does that mean?   Going to look it up.  BRB.  Aha!   It means that you can't get some people to take a hint!   Oh I KNOW some people like that.  You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them think!

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