Saturday, May 2, 2015


It's Saturday morning and I got up at my "regular" time to get my act together to work an Art Fair.  Some of the proceeds will benefit McGroarty's Summer Scholarship program, so I am going.  It's getting harder to do this, as no matter what I do, someone always complains about it.  I'm a volunteer.  People always have some kind of caustic remark but very few offer some kind of assistance.  It is wearying.  Maybe I am getting jaded.  I know I love the Center and want it to succeed and thrive.  There are so many people who for whatever reason, do not.  I think they feel it is their own private secret and if they share, they won't get all the goodies.   If things do NOT change, they won't have ANY goodies.  Things are still very difficult in the non-profit world.  I have hope but am fading.

I see that Kate and Wills have had their baby girl.  Good for them.  I have to admire Kate.  She is constantly in the shadow of her sainted late Mother-in-law.  It must be hell, playing second fiddle to a ghost.   As time passes, Diana's "faults" fall away and people only remember "the People's Princess"  ARGH.  I wonder how Diana herself would have been about her perception in the media.  As for Kate, I think she is doing a fine "job" having married into a business that is 24/7 glaring spotlight.  I am certain that the public pressure to name their daughter "Diana" is intense.  I hope they won't, at least as a first name. The Royals have.. what four or five names attached to them?  I am sure "Diana" and "Elizabeth" will be in there somewhere.  I am betting on "Mary" I have no idea why.

I see they released the names and photos of the cops in Baltimore in the Freddie Gray case.  Interesting how the media played it up as a racial thing you know "bad white cops" and it turns out that a few of them were NOT old fat white guys.   While I agree that what happened should not have happened and it is a symptom of a larger problem, can we PLEASE stop jumping to the conclusion that everything that happens is because of white racism?  I know it is there in droves, but white people do not have a monopoly on racism.  Hate can spread it's ugly seed across all lines of humanity.  We need to look at the problems that allowed this to happen in Baltimore and in other cities across our country.  It should unite us, not divide us.  We need to say "why did this happen" and try to solve it; and yeah I don't think burning down the city is the way to do it.  There was a meme about the Boston Tea Party, how no one wrung their hands and worried about the tea owners.  hmm, that was ONE shipment of tea.  They didn't go to the guy's house and burn it down.  They didn't burn his warehouse or his fields or steal his cows.  It's an "apples and oranges" thing in my book.  People are trying to justify their behavior.  I understand anger, I just don't think destroying everything is a positive solution.


  1. Robyn, I hope you didn't bet a lot of money on "Mary!"

  2. Nope, never play the ponies, never bet on things like this. I DID get two out of three, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana.... That should count for SOMETHING!!!!!


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