Thursday, October 29, 2015

Driving in Los Angeles

Is it me, or is there just more traffic on the road these days?  I drive about 20 miles to work and it has been taking me well over an hour to get to work.   Mostly because of rude drivers.  Whatever happened to courtesy?   Now it's ME ME ME  and "I may be slow but I'm ahead of you"  Maybe it's MY problem with mini road rage but honestly tell me I am wrong in this situation:

I get off the freeway at Stadium Way and go up the hill through Elysian Park to get to Sunset.  A lot of people do this and sometimes the right turn lane goes all the way down the hill to the curve.  No problem, I get in line when I see it forming.  Sometimes people try to get over and there is a place in my mind where you should have NOTICED all the OTHER drivers were lined up and try to get into the line.  You should NEVER EVER zoom past everyone and try to cut in near the corner where the turn actually is.  THAT is why the line takes so long.  all these entitled morons ( mostly, I note, in Mercedes and Lexus') who feel that cutting in line AFTER the solid white line is their right.  I'm a "B" after a certain demarcation which in my mind is acceptable to try to enter the line.  I would be willing to bet these people took "cuts" in school all the time too!

I am dreading the time change next week.  That seems to discombobulate people even more.  Yes, you now need to turn on your headlights when driving home from work.  It's Fall.  Get over it.  The first week after return to Standard time is a NIGHTMARE.

When I was a teenager, back in the stone ages, driving used to be fun and something you would do for entertainment "Let's go for a drive!"   I wonder when it became a drag or as the Police song says we are "Packed like lemmings into shiny metal boxes"  We spend more time in our cars than we do in our homes and I don't think we get a lot of pleasure out of it.  I see kids packed in the backs of Urban Assault Vehicles ( SUVs)   with the video monitor to entertain the,  We are just packing them into mobile living rooms.  I get kind of annoyed.  Remember when you would look at the SCENERY or play car games to entertain you?  I wonder if we are contributing to the rise in ADD in kids by constantly force feeding them entertainment and not expecting them to use their imagination to create their own entertainment?   Are we "medicating" them by not expecting them to look at things around them and discover and wonder about things?  I don't have that kind of stuff in my car and the few times my grandson has ridden with me, I talk to him or sing a bit, but he's a baby and quickly falls asleep anyway!.  I hope to have long conversations with him about what we see on the road when he is old enough to travel with me!

I'd better get moving.  Traffic on the 2 awaits!

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