Friday, June 17, 2016

Odd Friday thoughts

I'm running late, as usual, but I wanted to get a thought out there.   Yesterday, I went to grab a bite to eat with my husband.  I like having a meal out with him, as he and I have work schedules that don't often jibe.  It's nice to look across a table at my handsome husband and just talk.

One of the items on the soda machine was Orange Crush and I got that , added to my iced tea. It was ok, but  I should have  used a larger ratio of soda to tea.  I know, I'm weird.  It got me thinking about how when I was a kid, you could tell the soda by the shape of the bottle. I miss that.  Coke has sort of done that with their product, but the rest of the soda companies have abandoned unique shapes in favor of boring generic plastic bottles. Saves money, but I think the stuff tastes better in the unusual bottles, as if the shape changes the taste somehow. It might. I remember talking to someone about it when I was a kid, about how the long neck on the RC bottle made RC taste different.  I haven't HAD an RC in years and I wonder if I can find it, even in plastic, around here.   I see the Pepsi and Coke that is bottled in Mexico in the old style bottles, but rarely buy it.  Coke sells teeny tiny bottles of Coke in six-packs.   It makes me miss the old days.  I can hear my mother singing the Pepsi jingle from HER childhood ( "Twice as much, for a nickel too, Pepsi-Cola is the drink for you')  When did Coca-Cola become Coke and Pepsi-Cola become Pepsi?  Probably in the 70's.   Remember the shape of the 7-Up bottle was a fat bottom with a long neck?   I wonder why THAT was- maybe just to be different than the cola drinks.

I am showing my age, longing for simple things from my childhood.  Next week I will have my last "magical" birthday- I will be 58.  I was born in 1958,  I had a friend who called those "magical birthdays" when the date and age corresponded.  I hope it will be a magical year for me, but I suppose if I just wake up next to Chris every day, it will be.

1 comment:

  1. Howzabout you and Chris make a jaunt out thisaway (God, what is it with these jumbled together words this morning!) and we can go to Galco's in Highland Park, and you can bliss out on their great selection of retro and hard-to-find sodas of days gone by, to your heart's content! Retro candy, too! Tom


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