Thursday, June 2, 2016

Vacation Part 2

Chris reminded me that not everything on our vacation was bad.  I agree there were good parts, but my perception is colored by the fact that I was in more pain than  I could really cope with,despite taking larger than normal doses of my meds.  I was not over dosing, but I take the bare minimum usually and now I was taking the recommended dose.  I was hurting and frustrated. I used to be able to at least WALK.  Now I can't even do that.   I need to really start to push myself to get stronger.  I hate feeling this way.  Osteoarthritis sucks.

So.. The good stuff.   We stayed at the Fairfield Inn in Hayward the first night. Anna has adopted cats and I am allergic to them so we could not stay with her. Hotels are getting a bit pricey for what you get but this was a large comfortable room  The bed was comfortable, the bathroom spacious and the place was super clean,  We had been on the train forever and we were exhausted.  We fell asleep quickly. I had forgotten to pack the toothpaste, but the hotel had emergency packs and they handed me two.  I went next door to the 7-11 to use the ATM only to discover it had been ripped out.  It had yellow tape all around the area where it had been.  I joked it looked like crime scene tape, but more likely it was just being upgraded.  Our window overlooked the Starbucks drive through which was packed with caffeine junkies all morning ( no judgement, I love my coffee too!)

The price of the room included breakfast, so although he was reluctant to go, I made Chris go to the courtyard to get something.  It was a delight.  A full breakfast bar with real coffee, eggs and do-it-yourself- waffles.  I was stuffed!  I am supposed to cut back on coffee, but this vacation I drank a lot  of it.

We took off for Reno, after finding a 7-11 with a working ATM.  I bought three scratchers and Anna won!  I had hoped it would be the start of a winning vacation for her, but no such luck.  We spent most of what I call my "entertainment budget" coming home with some of it but not really winning anything.  We won enough to keep playing, that's about it..

We stayed at Harrah's in Reno.  I like Harrah's   The place is comfortable, the staff is friendly and they have a Starbucks right when you get off the elevator.  They DO have in-room coffee but that's more like coffee flavored water than real java.  I bought VENTIS for me and Anna!

More on Reno and the ill-fated trip to Virginia City tomorrow!

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