Friday, August 26, 2016

Death, life and everything in between

On Tuesday morning, my friend, my comrade-in-arms at McGroarty Arts Center, Michelle E. Barone died of cancer.  She had been fighting breast cancer, but it was faster than they thought and she lost that fight.  Michelle was a marriage and family therapist and a homeschool advocate who helped countless people in her short 60 years.  I will miss our talks.  When we were both on the Board I would call her from my car on the way to work in the early morning  to talk  about problems at the Center. When I think of her, I will always hear her exasperated "what the FUCK, Robyn?"  when  we discussed some knotty problem at the Center.  We both tried our very best and although I KNOW there are some in this community who will point fingers at us  if the Center does not thrive, I know that Michelle and I put everything we had into it.  I think the additional stress of  trying to run the Center with only three or four active people did not help her health.I know it did not help mine and stepping away was hard but my health has vastly improved ( so much so I no longer need to see the cardiologist on a regular basis and I am off all the heart meds).  Michelle will be missed in this world.  I know she is at peace in the next realm.

I don't make "little" mistakes.  Nope.  I make WHOPPERS!  For my class reunion, I was tasked with the memorial video.  I gathered information as to who had passed on and did my best to vet the information.  You won't believe how many people told me so-and-so is dead, only to find they were alive.  Well, I missed one catch.  In my defense, one of the two people who told me that Ray Mohammed had passed on told me they went to his funeral.  I wonder just WHOSE services they went to.  It wasn't Ray's. I am thoroughly embarrassed but glad to clear up the misinformation.  To quote Mark Twain "Reports of my death are greatly exaggerated."  It happens.  There was no malice in any of this.  It was a simple mistake.  Ray's "Death" information came in at the 11th hour for the edit and with the information that someone had gone to his services... well...    I blame no one.  I take responsibility and I know that no one bears me ill-will because of this.  We edited the video and I will make copies available, as well as have posted it on Dropbox and the link is on the Facebook reunion page for Uniques, Class of 1976. The video was beautiful and my husband Chris did a wonderful job.  He took my vision of a very simple tribute and brought it to life.

Seeing so many of the friends of my youth, was wonderful.  Fro some of them, it seemed like we were picking up a conversation we had been having just a few moments before. The dinner was too short.  We are beginning to talk about doing a 45th and taking a cruise.  Three days to Ensenada?  Sounds PERFECT!!!!!

I'm headed out this weekend to see my little man.  I am fortunate that my amazing husband understands and encourages me to go and spend time with him. Bob had my heart from the very first moment I hugged my daughter and felt him there.  SHE didn't know, but I did.  He and his G-ma have THAT kind of connection!

Monday, August 22, 2016

I'm back

I know it's been a while and that my faithful reader(s)   must have thought I fell into a hole.  I did, sort of.  The illness has gotten the better of me and the test results are encouraging in what is NOT going on but no real answer as to what is.  I am going to figure it out myself, what the triggers are and what I need to do to feel better.  I was SO sick on Saturday, it was touch and go as to whether I would be spending it at the class reunion or in the hospital.

I have been involved , somewhat, in the planning of our 40th reunion. The 30th was so sad, with a cookie cutter feel to the party and so sparsely attended I wondered what this one would be like. Frankly, without the advent of social media I don't think it would have happened at all.  We had just over 100 people and it was wonderful to see everyone and reconnect. It was a LOT of fun. Chris and I had worked on the memorial video and I must say AGAIN he did a beautiful job.  When the lights came up, I saw the looks on my classmates faces.  The intent was not to make everyone cry, but to honor those who had passed on properly. I was especially pleased to find a very happy photo of my old friend Gregory Wilson beaming with a woman and a llama in what I assumed was a memory of a trip to Peru.  I want to thank Espi Murphy and Carolyn Rodriquez for their tireless behind the scenes work on gathering photos and information.  We had a few snafus, where people told us that so-and-so was dead only to fine they were ALIVE-- YIKES!  Trina Smalley-Thalheimer (Arnold)  I'm glad we found you and you came to the party!!!  Chris and I stayed at the hotel which was way more expensive than my usual place, but I was glad of the room at the end of the party, as Chris and I were not in any shape to drive anywhere; NOT from strong drink, but pain and pure exhaustion. My knees tell me I should NOT "dance" anymore!  I really can't dance but I had fun on the dance floor all the same! I had been running on adrenaline and the crash was hard.  The room WAS a two room suite and it was very nice, but I don't think I will be going back there any time soon.   We joined our friends for breakfast in the morning and that was nice, to talk and laugh a bit more before we parted company.  I came home and slept!

Being on a committee is hard work.  There are always a few people who forget that the objective is not to put on a party or event that is THEIR vision but to work together for a common goal.  There is always that one person who want to hijack the proceedings and people I call "crabgrass" who come late to the committee and try to takeover the whole event and reinvent the thing midway through the process. .  There are always a few people who want to take all the credit for the work, without having done much of it.   When I was working on all of those branch openings, I remember one of my bosses complaining, that at the openings, "everyone who had nothing to do with it will stand up on the podium and pat themselves on the back". That's human nature, I suppose.It takes a strong leader to keep the group on task without letting the whole process turn into a battle royal  For me, the reward is the result of the work.  This party was awesome and I am happy to have played my part in it.   We are already talking about a 45th!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More unfortunate thoughts on Donald J. Trump

As a student of history, I have been sitting here, trying to remember a worse candidate for President. I can't think of one at the moment.  I am sure there was one, but in the annals of bad choices, the Donald certainly rides high.

For a candidate to OPENLY call for the assassination of his rival- then backpedal and say that is not what he meant at all- is criminal.  For him to call for espionage and offer a reward ( again, the Donald Shuffle after the fact) is nothing short of treason.  If an average citizen, not a candidate for the highest office in this land, had done that, the Secret Service would have them in leg-irons so fast their heads would swim.  But no...  There he is YOUR candidate.  He's not MY candidate.  I am trying to differentiate between the cult of personality and a true visionary leader.  The Donald is a game show host, both literally and figuratively.

His "economic plan" has been evaluated as disastrous by economists.  He has insulted our allies, insinuated we will NOT honor our treaties and agreements.  He talks about people like John McCain and Humayun Khan and his parents.  He says they are " Losers" well, in my opinion, Donald Trump is a QUITTER.  If you lose, at least you stayed in the game long enough. Mr McCain and Mr Kahn are not losers, in my book, but you watch "the Donald".The minute it becomes clear to his tiny brain that he is not winning, he is going to quit.  Just like he always does.  Remember the debates?  He wasn't getting his way so he refused to go and made up some phony fundraiser instead.  The debate dates are set well in advance.  His "conflict" was manufactured by his team when he didn't get what he wanted.
Personally, I am more interested in electing a president who is less interested in declaring the size of his "package" and more concerned with the economy , the environment and the unstable world we live in.  The Donald has such thin skin, I fear what would happen if he got his hand on "the button".  I am fairly certain that he will have what I have been calling his "Tail-gunner Joe" moment very soon.  I sort of hope that he will not do it in time for the Republican Party to be able to regroup, not because I wish them failure, but because I want them to see that what they have allowed to happen is dangerous for this county.  There really HAD to have been some members of the party who are more thoughtful and more qualified than the Clown Car of possibles they allowed to run this election cycle.  I have conservative friends and most of them are shocked by their candidates behavior. We need the Conservative point of view for balance, but we do NOT need the crazy train.   I am staying tuned.

Monday, August 1, 2016


So.. I've been sitting here all morning, waiting for them to come and deliver my husband's oxygen and equipment. They said between ten and two.  Ok.  It's now 5 minutes to two and we looked on the website and they CHANGED their time to 1-5  I swear- liberally! These people were apparently trained by the Cable company. How HARD is it to get an honest timeline on a delivery?  You can't schedule it until the day you want the delivery and in the case of Chris and his oxygen/sleep apnea machine- which is BROKEN- we need it TODAY.  I am willing to work with a four hour window, but not an EVER-CHANGING four hour window and if they were going to change it, they should have done me the courtesy of a phone call.  I should not be surprised.  Twelve years ago when my mother died, I called them to pick up her bed. I called them the night before and said I understood that they could not get it right then, but that they would pick it up the next day.  After waiting till 3 pm that day I called and was airily told that oh now they would pick it up the next day, or maybe the next.  I exploded as only I can.  I told them if they did not come for it THAT NIGHT, they could find it in the middle of Twenty-nine Palms Highway.  I was somewhat serious.  My father was NOT going to have that empty bed in the middle of the living room one more night!  I suppose you have to threaten them.  Chris just called them and they should be here soon.  This is no way to run a business, but when you are the only game in town, you can be assholes.

Garlic Festival Vacation

I had always wanted to go to the Garlic Festival in Gilroy.  I had heard about it for years.  It gets a lot of press and I thought it would be fun.  We made plans to go with friends, but he got a gig and well long story short we decided to go anyway.

We got a room at the Gilroy Motel 6.  I like Motel 6. Frankly all I need is a clean room with a bathroom and I am happy.  Motel 6 was so named because the rooms were six dollars a night.  Now, I certainly don't expect six dollars, but this room was $150!  It had a small kitchenette with a two burner cook-top, a bar sized fridge, a microwave and a toaster.  There were real plates and cutlery and one skillet.  The room itself was a bit like staying in an Ikea display room.  The bed was placed so close to the window, Chris and I had trouble getting to the AC unit and getting into the bed on that side.  It had wood floors and while that was nicer than some of the places where the rugs make the whole room smell like coca-cola and cigarettes, it made the room echo.  The sink in the bathroom had an aerator that gave you a bath if you turned it up more than a trickle,    They had Dish, so the second night Chris and I hung out in the room and watched TV.  I have been sick lately.  I cannot eat anything, more than two bites and I feel nauseous. When I DO try to swallow, about half the time whatever it is, including water, gets stuck halfway down.  I have several appointments over the next few weeks.  On the plus side, I am losing the weight I needed to loose for my knees.  It did make the vacation a bit rocky, however.

We got to the hotel late Friday afternoon and checked in.  The staff was really helpful and friendly.  We asked for restaurant recommendations and they had a bunch of them.  We decided to try one that was a "fine dining" place, but we didn't like the look of it and decided to go the the Old City Hall, which surprise, surprise, was located in the Old City Hall.  It was a really cool building and the food was good, but I could not eat more than a few bites.   Thankfully, the room had the aforementioned kitchenette and we took the food home.  Chis enjoyed it the next day.  I will give a complete review on my Stuff you can Stomach page for this and the other eateries on this trip.

I was disappointed in the Garlic Festival.  I had such high hopes that I suppose I thought it would be more than it was.  It was like a street-fair, frankly and at $20 a piece to get in, I was unimpressed.  Chris said he had hoped it would be like the Ren Faire, with strolling performers ( they were listed, but we never saw any ) and some kind of entertainment other than Country music.  There was a cover band who were not too bad, but that was about it.  The FOOD- the thing I  had been looking forward to, was the worst disappointment.   I guess I chose the wrong booth.  The "Garlic Burger" tasted as if they had started out with questionable meat and burned it.  I ate one bite.  The Garlic potato chips were raw in the middle and burnt on the outside. I wasn't feeling well to begin with and when we got back to the motel I was sicker than I have been in a while.  The vendors were nothing special and I could have stayed home and seen the same ones here for the most part.  I DID try the garlic ice-cream and it was ok, but not really worth the four plus hour drive and what we were shelling out for the hotel.  Everything was overpriced and a  bit depressing.

We found a really good place to eat Saturday night and I will review it on my other page. Cafe Thyme has a great staff and great food. they are located in a really strange place, but they are so nice, I hope they do well.  They are new, if you live in the area, give them a try.

On the drive home, we stopped at  few roadside produce stands and got some avocados and some artichokes and apricots.  Yum.  ten for a dollar avocados, tiny but for a dollar?  Heck yeah

We stopped at  Harris Ranch for lunch.  I have seen it often on our drives up to the Bay area and thought it might be nice to stop.  The food was terrible and overpriced; another thing to cross off my list of things I don't have to do again.

Our stop at the fast-food joint at the base of the Grapevine was disgusting.  I'll leave it at that.  Chris was tired and he drove all the way, both ways.  Neither one of us slept very well this trip.

It was an adventure, but I have to say to my friends who missed going with us, that at some point I was glad you did.  I think it would have been very uncomfortable for you, given everything with the accommodations and the festival itself.  I am looking forward to trying out out LOCAL garlic place, the Stinking Rose. and making my OWN scampi!!!