Wednesday, August 10, 2016

More unfortunate thoughts on Donald J. Trump

As a student of history, I have been sitting here, trying to remember a worse candidate for President. I can't think of one at the moment.  I am sure there was one, but in the annals of bad choices, the Donald certainly rides high.

For a candidate to OPENLY call for the assassination of his rival- then backpedal and say that is not what he meant at all- is criminal.  For him to call for espionage and offer a reward ( again, the Donald Shuffle after the fact) is nothing short of treason.  If an average citizen, not a candidate for the highest office in this land, had done that, the Secret Service would have them in leg-irons so fast their heads would swim.  But no...  There he is YOUR candidate.  He's not MY candidate.  I am trying to differentiate between the cult of personality and a true visionary leader.  The Donald is a game show host, both literally and figuratively.

His "economic plan" has been evaluated as disastrous by economists.  He has insulted our allies, insinuated we will NOT honor our treaties and agreements.  He talks about people like John McCain and Humayun Khan and his parents.  He says they are " Losers" well, in my opinion, Donald Trump is a QUITTER.  If you lose, at least you stayed in the game long enough. Mr McCain and Mr Kahn are not losers, in my book, but you watch "the Donald".The minute it becomes clear to his tiny brain that he is not winning, he is going to quit.  Just like he always does.  Remember the debates?  He wasn't getting his way so he refused to go and made up some phony fundraiser instead.  The debate dates are set well in advance.  His "conflict" was manufactured by his team when he didn't get what he wanted.
Personally, I am more interested in electing a president who is less interested in declaring the size of his "package" and more concerned with the economy , the environment and the unstable world we live in.  The Donald has such thin skin, I fear what would happen if he got his hand on "the button".  I am fairly certain that he will have what I have been calling his "Tail-gunner Joe" moment very soon.  I sort of hope that he will not do it in time for the Republican Party to be able to regroup, not because I wish them failure, but because I want them to see that what they have allowed to happen is dangerous for this county.  There really HAD to have been some members of the party who are more thoughtful and more qualified than the Clown Car of possibles they allowed to run this election cycle.  I have conservative friends and most of them are shocked by their candidates behavior. We need the Conservative point of view for balance, but we do NOT need the crazy train.   I am staying tuned.


  1. I actually do know ONE person in my real life who is a Trump supporter.
    For two reasons:
    He can never ever ever support a Democrat, no matter what, and he cannot ever ever ever support Hillary Clinton.
    So, perhaps not a Trump supporter, but an anti-the-other?
    I sometimes think I might have to contact the Canadian Embassy and ask if I can revoke my grandparents'/ renunciation of their citizenship, and can I go move there.

  2. My great-grandparents were Irish. I sometimes wonder if I am going to need to work a deal.


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