Sunday, February 19, 2017

Poem- having tea with a friend

I saw through your final performance
Where  the role of your lifetime
melted before my eyes.
oh you were a brilliant actor
until your audience of one
saw through the facade
taking empty pity
realizing that your soul is blind
devoid of light
like a beautifully wrapped gift box
that contains only tissue paper

Maybe one day
I will enjoy the memory
of the pretense
the artifice
realizing that your
constant need to reinvent yourself
was like watching a play in rehearsal
where the lines
constantly change
as the playwright

tries to find the voice.


  1. WOW!
    I am not usually into poetry, even having been an English major, but this was lovely.
    Sure feel sorry for that friend, though.

  2. Thank you! This person is no longer a friend. :) Writing is better than punching someone in the face.

  3. Also safer and less likely to lead to legal repercussions.


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