Thursday, February 9, 2017

Superman, where have you gone?

I woke up this morning, thinking about a song by the amazing Matt Beckley, that I can no longer find anywhere.  It's a song about losing your heroes and, if I recall correctly, finding the hero in yourself.

Ironic, isn't is that Superman, one of our greatest cartoon heroes would be one of the ones singled out by the White House, were he real and alive today.  After all, he started out as an illegal immigrant ( think about it) and grew up to become ( GASP) a JOURNALIST.  LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP.


The Republicans censored Elizabeth Warren but not her FOUR MALE COLLEAGUES who read the same text.  Think about that.  They are afraid of her and trying to beat her down.  They don't know her very well, do they.  I am glad for the men who took up the fight alongside her and will not forget them,  The Republican Party shows again and again their continued disdain for women - get BACK in the kitchen, Elizabeth.  Well Elizabeth takes a page from Langston Hughes that she "laugh. and eat well. and grow strong."

Dare I hope the antics of the "leaders" of the party will cause some who don't agree to fight harder and for some to switch sides?  Hopefully ,women will rise TOGETHER.  We cannot be silenced, we are not stupid fragile creatures that need to be protected and when we are treated as equal partners the world is a better place.  I fear in Trumplandia, they will try to relegate us to being decorations.  We need to stand in the fire and find the hero that is deep down in all of us.  Remember Fear means Face Everything and Rise.

RISE.  This word gives me energy, power and hope.  Heroes come from unexpected places at the darkest times.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE Elizabeth Warren. I wonder if she would ever consider a run..............
    I agree wholeheartedly - McCOnnell acted is a sexist and demeaning manner (is there a difference there?)


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