Monday, January 30, 2017

No Wall No Ban

I know people are probably getting tired of me ranting on a daily basis about the unsuitableness of Donald John Trump.  He is a flim-flam con man and he is under the control or the Russians,  He must owe Putin "BIGLY."  I cannot believe there is not more movement to remove Steve Bannon.  We MUST RESIST.  Our lives, our children's loves and the future of our wold depend on us standing in the fire.

I spent Saturday with my grandson.  Bob is a sweet young man, full of hugs and kisses- well not kisses, he only receives not gives- but I look at him and KNOW that we must do what we can to protect their world.  I ache when I think about it.  I am physically ill when I see some of the things THAT man is doing, but watch him, please.  When he does something OUTRAGEOUS in the way of an Executive Order, it is because he is doing something ELSE he doesn't want in the light of day.  PAY ATTENTION.  RESIST.

How telling is it, that on National Holocaust Remembrance Day, he left out any mention of the Six Million Jews, saying "well other people were killed too."  That is true BUT you need to remember everyone.  His leaving them out just shows who he and his adviser, the neo-Nazi, are.  I don't think old Steve would be upset if you called him a Nazi.  It's a badge he seems to wear proudly in public.

I fear for my country, but I am trying to manifest hope.  Faith that good people will say NEVER AGAIN, or more accurately NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER, which is more a rallying cry to be cherished.

1 comment:

  1. Last evening I was talking on the telephone to a friend and I said, "Just when I think it cant get worse, he surprises me, and does something worse." This is not a compliment.
    Several area Episcopal churches are having "issues" about whether or not we pray for him - it is part of the service to pray for all who govern or are in authority (I am too lazy to go check the actual wording in the Prayer Book) and one is refusing to pray for him by name, as it might hurt the feelings of some of the congregation. This happens to be the church I no longer attend, but I would think it is wrong anyway. Man, this guy needs praying for! I actually got my ass out of bed yesterday and went to church, and I did pray for him by name - something along the lines of "PLEASE (many times please!) God, send this guy some enlightenment." I have issues with his stance on immigration (how's that for understatement, Robyn?) and I listen to this weekend's news, and just am overcome with - I dunno - not despair yet, but - well, I am stunned. NOW I hear that because Trudeau says the refugees are welcome in Canada, he is considering a wall along our Canadian border, too.
    Dear Lord( and i don't mean that lightly!)


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