Monday, January 9, 2017

When Ivan comes.

I have been thinking of a song, written in the 80's by an old friend, Bob Walker, that the band I used to "work" for Manakin, used to perform.  I say "work" in quotes because it was a lot of fun and there was no pay, except a few bucks for gas here and there and a post-show drink.  It was the late 70's, early 80's and I learned a lot, doing that sort of "roadie" work.  I used it when I was the " Move Coordinator" for the Library.  In any case, the song, written in the early days of the Reagan Administration, spoke of our fears of a Russian invasion   If I am remembering the lyrics right, it began:

When Ivan comes
with his megabombs
roll out the Red carpet
and you and I will scurry to the bunkers

The crescendo, if you will ,was the chorus, with the entire band singing "Who will be the loser?  When Ivan comes When Ivan comes"

I keep hearing that in my head, every time I read some I-can't-believe-this-guy-is-going-to-be-president quote from the Orange Menace.   I am both saddened and angry, incredulous that THIS person is allowed to be in charge of anything.  The thing that makes me physically ILL is the arrogant morons like McTurtle, lining up behind him.  To quote from "Wicked"  "I hope you're proud how you would grovel in submission to feed your own ambition"  The Republicans who said Trump was not fit during his candidacy who now are slobbering all over themselves so their wives can get cabinet posts.  These "leaders" are an insult to democracy.  Greed and avarice.  The ultimate corruption.  

I am afraid that in their quest to make themselves richer and more powerful they will destroy this country.  Certainly a person as thin-skinned as Donald J. Trump has NO business being in control of launch codes.  He does not understand that there IS no such thing as limited nuclear war and that ( to quote an old anti nuke song) "plutonium is forever."

Maybe I should send him a copy of Nevil Shute's classic "On the Beach"  Naw.  Rumor has it , the Orange One is illiterate.  In the coming months, WE must prepare to fight back for the things we hold dear.  We need to protect Social Security and Medicare.  We need to protect Planned Parenthood and LGBT rights.   There are so many battlefronts, it's going to be hard to choose what to do and we are going to be exhausted at the end of it all, but fight back we must.  I am seeing cracks in the party unity and that consoles me.  Reasonable people without a ME ! ME! ME! agenda will rise to protect us from this disaster and we MUST support them in every way we can.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you saw The GoldenGlobes lalst evening, and heard Meryl Streep's wonderful speech when she accepted her Life Achievement Award. Needless to say, within seconds, Trump supporters were all over, blasting the lib-turds.....and always mindless that this is what they themselves have done for eight years. Others made reference to the threats we face, so take some comfort in that you are not alone. We are out there, and we will fight back. We have to!


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