Friday, January 13, 2017

Not triskaidekaphobic or anything

I almost got run over crossing my street last night.  The car was ALL THE WAY AT THE CORNER, about 200 or more yards down when I started. He saw me, I am sure of it because his response was to SPEED UP and blare his horn.  My neighborhood is populated by thirty-something year old men in BMWs whose prevailing attitude seems  to be "This is MY road!  What are YOU doing on it???   GET OFF,  GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!"  Sigh.   The rules here are the pedestrian has the right of way.  Maybe they need to learn that.

AM I the only one who thinks that last nights hack into C-Span is just the beginning of Russia taking over here.  Are we ready for that?  I am trying to remain hopeful that SOMETHING,ANYTHING will happen to prevent the Orange Puppet from taking office.  The Republican party is gleefully trying to get richer, while dismantling the Middle Class.    Looks like I am going to be working a LONG time, if the health care destruction continues.  I know I don't have enough discretionary funds to set up an independent account to cover me.  One illness and I am in a cardboard box under the freeway.   I hope all those people who voted "Trump all the way, baby" and are now facing NO medical coverage for the adult children who are living with them are happy that they  replaced the black guy.  I think they will find some way to BLAME him for the midnight raid by the Republican Party.  They are literally throwing out the baby with the bathwater, with NO real plan to replace anything.  Good luck to all of us, I say.  I know that living in California, I am probably better off and I have a good job, so I KNOW I am blessed.   I was looking forward to retirement, but now it does not seem possible.  If they gut the medicare system, I am pretty sure I will need to work until at LEAST we can get a Democrat back in office to fix the mess.  That seems to be they cycle.  A Republican gets us into debt, a Democrat fixes it.

Can I say how much I loved Joe Biden yesterday.  What a nice surprise and a well deserved honor for that man.  I had tears in my eyes, as the look of "oh !" came over his face when he realized what was happening.  I loved how he turned and fumbled for his handkerchief.  Who CARRIES handkerchiefs these days?  Sweet.  I wish in some ways that Joe had run.  As much as I fought for Hilary, I think Joe would have crushed the competition.

We are seeing what I hope is the last of the rain for a few days.  Chris and I are taking a much needed little trip.  I am anxious to try out my new camera.  Chris bought me my very own camera for our anniversary.  I have never had one like this.  I had small "snap shot" cameras but this is something I have always wanted.  When I was married the first time I wan't allowed to use "His" camera, except when he needed a photo of him doing something.  Having my own camera allows me to explore that side of me that shows how I view the world.  Years ago, I took my daughter to a parade and she begged to use my camera. I let her and when my photos came back, i had a whole bunch or tank tires ( Military parade) and feet....  I realized it was how Kate saw the world.   Hopefully, I will get some wonderful pictures I can use in a project I am hoping to start soon.

Happy Friday the 13th.  I always think that the whole Unlucky thing has it's roots in Christianity. Judas being the 13th person and Christ being crucified on a Friday.  Well I'm not buying into it.

Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. HEY! I carry handkerchiefs - AND they are ironed! Some even have my initials on them.
    But yes, on your array of topics - best one first: I LOVED see VP Biden just that wee-deserved honor - and yes, I do wish he had run, but I can understand what with his family in such grief. He is just a hell of a nice person!
    Medicare - well be glad you worked for the City of Los Angeles which does give you decent retirement benefits. I have friends who get NOTHING! Yes, in that area, we are blessed.
    The rest - dear GOD, how depressing. My hope is he implodes, and doesn't take us with him.
    But yes, at least he is WHITE, and hey, had a TV show!


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