Sunday, January 1, 2017

Happy New Year

Happy New Year.  We put a lot of faith in those three words, don't we?  What is is about the turning of the calendar to a new year that fills us with hope.  I am getting cynical in my old age, but New Year's Day is just another day.  If you really want to hope, try doing it every day instead of waiting for some mythical dragon to appear and take all the trouble away in a fire-breathing rush on New Year's Eve.   Baby steps.  Every. single. Day.

I got up and got ready to watch the parade,only to remember this is Sunday and they don't run the parade if New Year's Day is Sunday.  Hmmm   Now what to do?  I have been wasting a lot of time with online games and things that don't matter.  I need to write.   I try not to do New Year's Resolutions that are either impractical or impossible.  Sure, EVERYONE resolves to spend less, save more, eat better, lose weight... blah blah blah.   I remember a book I read in my teen years, where the family was writing down resolutions.  One child was developmentally disabled.  For him, they resolved he should be happy.  So there.  I resolve to be happy- or try my best to be.   I resolve to accept things I cannot change, but more importantly to change things I cannot accept.   The political news is terrifying to me in the "plans" to eliminate Social Security and Medicare; to restrict reproductive rights and the rights of the LGBT community.  This year, I will choose the thing I feel strongest about and join together with like minded citizens to protect OUR rights against the growing tide of hate and bigotry. I am one person.  But together we CAN make a difference.  My father used to say "your rights end at my nose"  How dare anyone decree what I am to believe.  This is NOT, despite what some people think, A "christian" nation.   We have the freedom OF and the freedom FROM religion.  I am afraid that the incoming administration will chose one form of Christianity that we must all follow.  Not going to happen.  They WILL try.

So, Happy New Year.  I wish us all peace and prosperity in the coming year and may your dreams become a reality.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you just shot down my three eternal resolutions, so instead this year, I will spend a lot more to boost consumer confidence, save less, because they pay NO interest anyway, and eat like a pig to keep my strength up against the cold winter days and nights.
    Actually, some of my resolutions DO involve those three, but there are others - I could try to be a nicer person. And , Yes, not waste so much time playing games on the computer, oh, there must be some other stuff.........................Happy New Year, Robyn - because the Rose Parade is choking the streets of my fair city TODAY instead of yesterday, I can promise to start resolution-ville - TOMORROW!
    (An interesting historical note - the reason we do not have the parade or game on Sundays is for the church going public - well, I decided to get up and out, and actually went to church yesterday. I figure, it couldn't hurt!


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