Saturday, January 28, 2017

Not. My President

A lot of people are taking exception to the Not. My. President movement.  They are saying if you live in America, THIS is your President.  Let me explain some basic facts:

While I agree that for whatever reason, although he did not win the popular vote and was installed as President by some arcane rules that were set forth by the Founding Fathers to create a balance of power between smaller and larger states to keep the States united, THIS man does not represent me.  In saying he is NOT My President, I am not denying the fact that he is President, just not mine, much in the way so many detractors spoke of Barrack Obama.  After eight years of deriding him, calling him names and questioning his right to be President, calling him a "secret Muslim" and slamming him every chance they got, SUDDENLY we are all supposed to "behave ourselves" join hands and sing Kumbaya behind this... this.. Person?  Not going to happen.

I've been sitting on this blog for several days now; each day brings a new horror as the Moy ( that's Man-boy) wrecks even more havoc on us all.  His slavering mindless zombie followers are drinking the Kool-aid by the gallon, not realizing what this means for THEM.  How DARE he commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day by signing that ABOMINATION of an Executive Order regarding non Christians.  I am distraught beyond telling at what he is doing to this country. it's as if he considers it one of the businesses that he took over in a hostile takeover move.  We are seemingly helpless and his rich greedy cohorts are warming their hands with glee over the burning of civil rights in this country.  "give me your tired, your poor?"  nope.  He and the rest of his ilk will ruin this country.

Ok.  Rant over.  Now we begin the real work.  We MUST stand in the fire.  My Revolutionary War ancestor did not freeze in a tent at Valley Forge to have a later-day King ruin what he believed in.  LIBERTY is for ALL of us, not just the chosen few.  Resistance is mandatory.

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