Monday, April 16, 2018

Childhood books

Somewhere on Facebook, someone posted the following question:

What book or books make you think of your childhood


Now, I remember reading "Where the Wild things are" an awful lot, but I think the question is really about what we call "chapter books" so I have been thinking about that.  I loved the Carolyn Haywood "Betsy" books, about a little girl who lived somewhere on the east coast who had normal east coast adventures.  It was like reading letters from a friend, more than anything else.  Haywood also wrote about a boy named "Eddie" but I don't remember reading them or if I did, I guess I didn't really relate to Eddie so he didn't stick with me.  I remember - and I could be wrong- that when I started reading the Betsy books, my sister was a bit miffed as if Betsy were HER discovery and I couldn't read them.  I was an early reader and started chapter books fairly early, so it MIGHT have been I was taking them from HER stash of books.  We were ONLY allowed ( by our mother) five books every two weeks from the Library.  I think it's how she kept track of how many books we had and how many had to go back.  I would have checked out a LOT more, if she had let me.  I remember re-reading some, while I waited for the due date and our return visit.

I remember the "Little House Books" played a big part in my childhood too.  The adventures of Laura and her family as they moved across the American West were thrilling and strange.  Laura would have been considered a bit of a tomboy, as I was, and sometimes my friends and I acted out the books.  I remember years later someone claimed that her daughter Rose Wilder Lane actually wrote the books ( I think it was Rose herself) but if you read Rose's writing and the "Little House" books, there is a distinct "voice" in both and Rose's work is NOT the same.  I loved the Little House books, but didn't really watch the tv series of the same mane.  meh.  As in most things, the books were better.

I remember a fairly unknown book by Sally Watson called "Highland Rebel" about a girl caught up in a feud between two clans, in the Scottish Highlands, the Campbells and the Camerons.  Lauren, the main character was brave and stupid all at the same time and I loved her.  I longed for other books featuring her adventures, but alas, this was a "one-off"This was probably my favorite chapter book, hands down.

So, chime in.  What books remind you of YOUR childhood?


  1. Johnny Tremaine, Charlotte's Web, all of the Little House Books too, Nancy Drew, the Hardy Boys, Wind in the Willows, and Treasure Island are just some of what I remember right now. I, too, was an early reader and between the old Reseda public library and a little library on site at my Catholic elementary school, I read everything I could get my hands on! Always more interested in the adventure stories, :-)

  2. My cousins Mark and Joanie and I traded the Nancy Drew books like crazy, but for some reason, we weren't so crazy about the Hardy Boys, and those Bobbsy Twins were just noo namby pamby. I also was quite taken with Doctor Doolittle. Now they are considered racist, and have been"revised." BAH! As a VERY young reader, I had a collection of those Little Golden Books. Some Disney versions - I was in love with Snow White; broke my little 5-year old heart when I learned she was not a real person. (I was loyal, but apparently not too bright) I was a stalwart supporter of the Temple City Public Library, and in fact, because of that experience, here I am, a librarian! Tom


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