Thursday, April 5, 2018

Dreams and such

"Dreams are nothing more than wishes, and a wish is just a dream you wish to come true"  Harry Nilsson

God.  I hope not.

The last few days, I have been plagued by nightmares, probably brought on as my sleeping body's response to  pain.  My chronic lung ailment has flared and I have chest pains.  I know what is causing them, but still it is worrisome and I struggle to fins a position where I can sleep, but when I DO sleep, more often than not, I wake up screaming from a nightmare.

I recently had a dream, VERY REALISTIC, that two dear friends were killed in a car crash.  It was three in the morning or I would have called one of them.  It was so real and so terrifying.  I hate dreams like that, that scare you and stick with you like some real remembered incident.  I use to have these wonderful dreams that were like long intricate movies.  I really miss having THOSE.

"When You wake up from a nightmare, and it's worse when you're awake" Warren Zevon

Every morning I wake up and check the news.  Maybe I am hoping this whole Administration is a long drawn out nightmare and that someone SANE is running this country.  Alas it's still the Dorito Despot.  He has broken so many of our laws, the latest to start a RUMOR about Amazon to make the stock fall.  I wonder if he has stock or is buying it at a low rate so he can make money.  Isn't insider trading what got Martha Stewart tossed in the pokey?  How much longer do we need to deal with this? Until the Republicans have sufficiently lined their pockets with ill-gotten gold, I suppose.  Or until we vote them out.  November can't come soon enough.

A note on Easter, since the Ultra Christian President failed to mention it at all.  As a Christian, I think it's OBVIOUS that Easter, not Christmas, is our most important holiday.  Isn't our faith based on Christ's sacrifice and His rising again?  Where were the tweets from tRump?  I think he ignored the whole thing.  It would amuse me that a certain sector of Christians think that God Himself sent tRump to save us, if I weren't scared every day that he will plunge us into WWIII.  I had a dream, in the latest of my sequences, that I was at an event where he was and decided to flip him off.  I gave him both "barrels"- a two-handed "salute" as it were, and he started screaming for the Secret Service to arrest me.  They just stood around laughing at him ( something I would bet some of them would love to do in real life.)

I had a lovely dinner party on Easter, with friends who made the day wonderful.  I love having people in for dinner.  It can be a lot of work, but in so many ways worth it to hear laughing around the table and see the smiles of my friends.  I love to cook and I love to eat.  I have a list of folks I have said to "we must have dinner soon"  If you are one of them, check your calendar and let's get together.  Life is short.  Recently two people in my life passed away quite suddenly.  In their honor and in their memory, let me tell you, I love you and you mean a lot to me. Let's have dinner.  Maybe the laughter will chase away the nightmares and sleep will become the pleasure it once was.

1 comment:

  1. Well, he DID have the gall to show up at church with Melania on Easter - she almost wore a red and striped sundress and white stilettos (according to the press) does she HAVE to look like the whore she was all the time?
    Yesterday on my way to sub at the Fremont Branch the news was all about the falling markets over and over again, until I turned it off. I found myself screaming at the radio, "Yeah, so much winning, asshole!"
    On a happier note, Iw as one of the easter guests, and after a healthier salad than I have eaten in months, the delicious ham, and the faboulous strawberry mousse and the best lemon bars I have ever had topped off a lovely dinner. Great company, etc. Alas, our dear Robyn has entrenched Nancy Sinatra's "These Boots Are Made for Walking" in my head - talk about waking up screaming! Especially as I can't even get a pair in my size!


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