Tuesday, March 13, 2018

July 23, 1949

Bob and his favorite cousin, Bill were looking for something to do on a hot summer day in Brooklyn.  Bill suggested they go to the St George Hotel, both the bar and the pool were open for a small fee.  "what are we going to do?  Swim BA?" Bob asked  His cousin assured him they could rent suits at the hotel and within a short time were drinking at the bar in itchy maroon wool bathing suits.

Hazel and her skating friend decided it was too hot to go to the rink, in the days before AC was a regular thing.  The friend suggested swimming at the St George "what are we going to do?  Swim BA?" ( see there's theme here?)  The friend assured Hazel of the suit rental and off they went.

Bob spotted a cute girl, in an itchy maroon rented bathing suit, walking next to the pool and walked up to her,  He said "You could use a swim" and pushed her in.  It took him a moment to realize SHE COULD'NT SWIM and went in after her and pulled her out.

They exchanged phone numbers.

And THAT, my friends, is how my parents met.

If it had been ME he pushed in, he would have come with me and there MIGHT have been blood, but then I am as much his daughter as I am hers.

I once asked her why she didn't punch his lights out.  She said "Oh I thought he was cute" Paused a beat and said "And if I HAD, YOU wouldn't be here"  Good Point, Mom.

Happy 68th wedding anniversary, Bob and Hazel Myers.  Can you GUESS where they spent their wedding night?

That's right.

What my father referred to as "the scene of the crime"  The St George Hotel in Brooklyn.

1 comment:

  1. How cute! My parents met in the cocktail lounge (AKA BAR!) of the Constance Hotel here in Pasaena, still there, and in yet another incarnation of itself) when this handsome soldier approached a young lady (and he told me he could tell she WAS!) and asked if he could buy her a drink. She replied, "Thanks, I already have one." Luckily, he persisted, and said, "And will that last you all night>" Well,as it happens, one drink usually did last my mother several months, but thank goodness, she relented, and six and a half years later I was born. I love these stories. Now I know how your parents met, and I know how you and Chris met.


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