Friday, March 2, 2018

You've gotta Hope...

white lie
ˈˌ(h)wīt ˈlī/
plural noun: white lies
  1. a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone's feelings

So, Ms Hicks only told "white lies" for Donald Trump?  Did that include telling a journalist their hair looked nice when it looked like they styled it with a weed-whacker?  Telling Melania that her souffle was superb?  In the words of Emma Gonzales, I CALL BS.

I wonder what will become of Ms. Hicks, now that she's shot herself in the PR foot.  I don't feel sorry for her, there's an old saying "If you lie down with dogs, you wake up with fleas"

It's hard not to be a bit gleeful as you watch the wheels come off the Trump bus, but at the same time, I am afraid of the other shoe dropping.  Apparently, we can't just toss the lot of them out on their ear, there is some sort of rule of law.  Mike Pence is crazy.  There, I've said it.  He scares me.  I don't see humanity in his eyes.  His stated feelings toward women will put us all back in the Dark Ages.  

I don't know what the world is coming to.  Seriously.  I actually viewed a conversation where someone I work with, someone I heretofore considered sane but deluded ACTUALLY SAY that "You don't understand Trumpspeak. He didn't mean what he said" in response to the statement that Trump made about taking away weapons from people they THINK are dangerous and giving them due process of the law AFTER.  Can you IMAGINE if Barrack Obama had said this?  There would be a mad rush on the sale of rope and pitchforks, but NO.. There are actually people in this world who support the Dorito Despot to the point where he can say something so ANTI our laws and everyone applauds.  I am horrified.  When I see this coworker, I probably will just wave and keep going.  If that is his belief system, I am not engaging, not even to talk about the weather.

I find it ironic.  After EIGHT YEARS of "Obama is coming for your guns", it appears that TRUMP actually IS.

I hope Mueller gets all his legal ducks in a row soon.  He's gunning for the kids now.  In what world would Jared Kushner and Ivanka the handbag saleswoman ( she does not, as far as I can tell DO the actual design work, but approves the work of others) be advisers to a President. Oh yeah  DADDY LAND.  Kushner ,at the very least, is going to jail.  Maybe he can share a cell with his own father who went to jail already (wonder if he's still in the pokey)  

Still I have to hope- and not Hope Hicks- that balance will be restored.   Lately life in this country had been like being on one of those playground merry-go rounds.  People outside are spinning it as fast as they can.  We just have to hold on to the bars and wait for it to stop.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I tend to call Trump Cheetoh-Head, but I like Doritos, to. Some sort of useless, non-nutritive, unhealthy junk. Sounds good.
    Is it wrong of me to want to slap that smug, complacent smirk off little Jared's face? Is it wrong of me to want him to go to prison, so he can become the sweetheart of cellblock 69?
    I never thought of myself as a mean, vindictive person (OK, sometimes, I do) and I do actually try to be a good person. But these people (and I use the term loosely) have pushed me over the edge. They are a bunch of Godless hypocrites, and it stuns me that there are still people out there who support them. Of course, Trump is not black, a male, and had a tv show, so.......
    And, yes, you're right, Pence scares me, too - even more in some ways.


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