Monday, February 26, 2018

Dreams and nightmares

I was on Prednisone   It give me weird dreams.   I have some pleasant ones but mostly wracking nightmares.  Does this drug do this to anyone else?  I wake up , screaming and shaking and I can't remember the dream, just a vague notion of monsters, usually and LOST of blood.   UGH. 

I hate it, but it seems to have helped.  I am not waking up gasping for air, but I AM using the breathing treatment more regularly.  On  the advice of my doctor, I am dragging the "Little Puppy" ( what I call the nebulizer)  to work in my kit bag.  I think it will only be a day or two more that I will need the multiple treatments.  Here's HOPING

I have the strangest dreams sometimes, a few are like films.  In these films I am NOT me and it's kind o funny. In the last one, I was invited by a friend to join her on a cruise.  She worked as the Cruise Director, but she never showed up, so they told me I had to do her job. I was woefully unprepared.  I had not brought the proper clothing.  The Captain yelled at me for only having a sundress and flip-flops.  WHERE were my work clothes? Every day at 3,  all the people on the ship would sing "Sweet Caroline" to me.  It turns out my name was Caroline.I tried desperately to come up with fun activities for the people on the ship, but they just weren't interested- and frankly the activities were a bit lame, something like craft games for kids.  I felt helpless but the people were cheerful and assuring me that I was doing just fine.

hmmm.  I have days like that at work, now that I think about it.  I can't fix something and get frustrated but people tell me it's going to be ok.  Sometimes when I have these dreams, I wonder if I can remember enough to flesh out a short story.  Maybe.  Then just maybe they are meant to comfort or amuse me.  In any case, these days I wake up TIRED!  I can't wait for the asthma to settle down.

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