Friday, February 2, 2018

Tom Hanks Book of Short storeis

I just finished "reading "  Tom Hanks book "Uncommon type"  I say "reading " in quotes because I was listening to it on CD in my car.  It is read by none other than Tom Hanks, which is pretty cool. When the author is a GOOD reader you get the whole feel of the "voice " in the story.  Hanks IS Tom Hanks, so it was a pleasure to hear the stories.

Some of the stories annoyed me.  The first one, about the guy trying to be in a relationship with a girl who is obviously wrong for him, made me stop and start the CD.  He was trying to be a square peg in a round hole.  It was annoying as I thought the character was smarter than that.  Eventually, they both came to the same conclusion and remained friends.  These characters show up in several more stories, one of which- where they go to space and circle the moon, is just too fanciful for reality.   Still it was a pleasant "beach read"  only one or two had a real message.

I read a review where the reviewer was complaining that Hanks women were objectified.  Well I hate to point out the obvious, but since the stories this woman complained about were inside the head of a character, third person limited in one case and first person in another, you are not going to get some full blown egalitarian weltanschaung.  Your are going to get what the author thinks his character is thinking.  There are two or three stories with a woman protagonist,two where the woman is trying to find her way in the world after a break-up.  Those women are not objectified.  I think this reviewer read to much into it and if you look hard enough you will find something to complain about anyway.

Most of the stories have a typewriter, or someone typing in them,  I hear Hanks collects antique typewriters.  hmm I have an old Mid-century Underwood manual typewriter upstairs.  I wonder if he's be interested?  ;)

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