Monday, February 5, 2018

Slacker thoughts

Well, I'd like to say I've been neglecting my housework for writing, but as you can probably tell if you look over this blog, I have been neglecting both for... breathing.

I have asthma. It had been getting better, under control, then Kaiser, in it's infinite wisdom, and I suspect the clinical version of payola, removed the medication from the approved list.  That's right. It's not bad enough that last year Urgent Care gave me something I was CLEARLY allergic to, NOW they are taking away what keeps me alive.  ARGH!   Thankfully, my allergist and my pulmonologist double-teamed them and I have the medication I need BACK, BUT I backslid and it's going to take a while to get back to where I was.  It's frustrating to say the least.  I'm tired all the time.  I reach for a deep breath and I can't seem to get it.  Walking upstairs takes concentration.  I don't mean to whine, but DAMNIT, just let me freaking recover!

Ok rant over.

I don't want to talk much about politics but am I the only one who suspects the release of the Nunes memo is a smokescreen?  I also privately think that although there is a rumor that 45 edited it, that he probably didn't even READ it.  C'mon!   it's NINE pages of gobbledygook.  He can't read more than a tweet or two before losing interest.  I must confess I have not actually read the whole thing either.  I intend to sit down with it and a very LARGE whiskey  in the next few days.  I tried to read it the other day, but I really didn't have the concentration skills at that moment to decipher it.  I understand the whole thing rests on the FBI "spying" on Carter Page. Uh, isn't that kind of what they do?  And they spied on him when he wasn't involved in the 45 campaign?  At one point, before all of this, the Trump camp poo-pooed Page as a non-ranking nobody.  NOW  it's a TRAVESTY and PROOF POSITIVE of the skulduggery of the Obama Administration.  uh, yeah, except it continued after he left office.  So 45, WHICH is it?  I guess someone will have to pare it down to a single page with TRUMP being in every paragraph to get him to read it.

It's already been a crummy year. The last two Saturday's I have gone to memorial services.   That's enough for me for a while.On a brighter note, I got tickets to see my favorite band this weekend.   I could use the diversion.  They always manage to cheer me up.

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