Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Oscars, movies and politics

I didn't watch the awards, not because I was boycotting, I just got busy.  I don't actually GO to the movies all that much, it seems to be an ordeal for me to go. Once I am there, I am usually ok, but the mechanics of going out to the movies just has NO appeal to me. Ok   I don't watch them in my jammies in the living room much either, as much as Chris wishes I would.  He LOVES movies. I just don't sit still for that long anymore.  I think I need to work on stillness.

I saw that a lot of ultra conservatives were boycotting the ceremony from the comfort of their own living room.  Too political.  Get real  LIFE is political, and these days it IS too political.  If you buy gas, you complain about the taxes- politics.  If you have a dangerous street corner that needs a light or a stop sign, politics. Food prices?  GMOs?  Yeah  get real. Small Government is wishful thinking.  They TELL you they like small government, until it impacts their bottom line or enables them to have control over YOU because of what they believe.

I am having a hard time with two schools of thought that I came up against recently ( fasten your seat-belts, I'm about to hit turbulence)  Flat- Earthers .  Seriously.  People who SO deny science that they believe the earth is flat.  Think about that.  They deny the pictures from space as "fake news"  and have all kinds of cockamamie arguments about how they can PROVE the earth is flat.  Chris has got into it with one of them, whose spelling is so atrocious it takes five minutes to decipher the point, which is so convoluted even after the translation ( and the guy is an native English speaker)  Science deniers blow my mind.   I know why the 1% advance the theory; so they can continue to devastate the Earth's resources for their own gain, but they have convinces a good number of people who did NOT pay attention in 8th grade- or even 6th grade- to the teachers who talked about ecology and natural resources.


The other group I  shake my head at at the Ultra Religious Right.  I have NO problem with people who practice a religion, that guides them to interact with their fellow planet dwellers in a compassionate and thoughtful manner.  I HAVE A PROBLEM with the "God said it I believe it that settles it, you Godless Heathen" sort of person. People who believe, for instance that Trump was sent here by God.  People who believe prayer- but only THEIR style of prayer-should be compulsory in schools.  I shake my head at all the hand wringing that "if we only let God into school, we wouldn't have the shootings"  Tell THAT to the congregation in Texas or the prayer group in South Carolina.  Now, I follow a faith.  I don't wave it in anyone's face, but I do pray and I do try to follow what I believe on a day to day basis.  It's personal and will remain so unless we sit down to talk about ideas.  So many on the far sides have minds like a steel trap. Rusted shut.

Things seem to be moving, as the pendulum shifts as it will. I am hopeful we can get our country moving forward, together.  These past few years, there has been such a divide and conquer mentality, we forget we are two halves of the same coin.

1 comment:

  1. شركة ركن سيف لمكافحة الحشرات بالاحساء الشركة الممتازة فى المملكة التى تعتمد على طرق خاصة فى مكافحة الحشرات فى الاحساء , مؤسستنا
    شركة مكافحة حشرات بالاحساء
    الوحيدة فى المملكة التى تمتلك عمالة ذات جودة عالية جداً فى مكافحة ورش الحشرات وعدمها من اى مكان تريد ازالتها منة فقط معنا سترى الخدمات الاولى فى الاحساء شركتنا شركة متميزة من نوعها فى خدماتها صاحبت الرقى والاخلاق فى التعامل مع العملاء الجدد والقدامة


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