Friday, May 11, 2018

Hard to write, hard to breathe

It's been something of a Mr Toad's Wild Ride lately and NOT in a good way.  Once again, my asthma is winning the battle, but I am determined.  My doctors and I started a new regimen with the meds and things seem to be easing.  Time will tell.

About two weeks ago, I got the tragic news that my friend and former boss, Betsey Hoage, had died suddenly. I am still in shock.  I think that most people already know this, but she had acute leukemia.  We don't think she had been diagnosed and had no symptoms.  I will miss her, but I think she had a good life; a career she loved, friends who were like family, she traveled to exotic places, she LIVED.  We have been sharing stories about her, to remember is to ease the pain, isn't it?  I know that when she was my boss, I always felt valued- like my opinion had weight even if I weren't a librarian ( I can't tell you how many people I worked with thought I must be a raging idiot because I don't have an MLS .)  We would joke about things, she was always bringing in something she had baked and when she went on trips would bring back little souvenirs for the staff.  She was thoughtful and creative.  She made the most beautiful quilts.  Bob was the recipient of one such lovely giraffe themed work of art.  My daughter Kate wrapped her newborn son in it.  Kate treasures it.

When someone dies suddenly, you realize all the things you meant to do with them or say to them.   I am going to try NOT to leave kindness unspoken, try to HAVE those meals, drink that beer, or tea or coffee. If I say "Let's get together, I am going to pull out my calendar and SCHEDULE it with you.  No more "one day"  One Day is NOW!

Chris and I are back from our road trip and as soon as I can figure out what happened to my "Stuff you can Stomach" page ( they "improved" it and I can't figure out how to POST on the darn thing) I will be sharing the "wisdom" of places to eat and places to avoid in Las Vegas!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for reminding me about Betsey's quilts =- suddenly I recalled the lovely items she would craft and donate to the Children's Librarians' annual fund raiser.
    She was a hell of a nice person - I loved her loud and raucous laughter when she was ina good mood.
    She was, truly, one of the NICE ones at LAPL, and I do think she got the shaft a couple of times while I knew her.
    It says a lot about her that so many people were and are grieved due to her passing!


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