Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Weird "Movie" dreams

Occasionally, I have these dreams that are like watching a movie. I am in them, playing a character.  I am certainly not me.

Last night's dream was fun. In it, Tom Hanks was playing my father. I was a teenager with a little sister.  Tom tell us all to pack for Paris.  Tom is a writer who is really an international spy and we are going to Paris for a few days.  He is bringing us for 'cover" as he needs to meet with another spy. He tells us to pack enough for two days.  At some point in the trip I begin to worry I have not packed enough of the right clothes and enough underwear.  I comfort myself with the thought that I probably packed at least one pair and can wash them out in the sink if I need to ( ok I TOLD you this was a weird dream). We fly in the front of a commercial airline, but there is no pilot .  My "Mother" complains she hates flying like this. apparently this is normal. We get to our room.  Tom send me and my little sister out shopping, but my purse is not big enough so I look in the hotel closet and find a metal lunchbox like we used to carry in elementary school.  It is big enough.  Tom insists I pack a hammer in the lunchbox, just in case.  I head out and I am laughing as I have read what the spies have written about my "father" Tom.  They are very convinced he cannot type.  This seems to be an important piece of information and I think it's very funny as he is a writer ( and Tom owns a bunch of antique typewriters)  I come back and Tom introduces me to my "cousin"  we are going to a fancy dinner and she lends me a white wool skirt and top for the occasion.  She also gives me a white stuffed bunny.  Dinner is uneventful, but I leave the bunny at her home when we leave.  It explodes.  It turns  out the cousin is a spy for the other side. 

My alarm went off at this point.  I enjoy  the movie dreams quite a bit.  They are much better than the nightmares I have been having.  Maybe the dream catcher we hung over the bed is working.  I am AMAZED at the number of people who have them tied to the rear-view mirror of their CARS. Are you SLEEPING while driving.  Sometime, I think they must be, if you read my last blog!


  1. Occasionally I would relate a dream I had had to our friend Pauline, and she would say to me, "WHAT THE HELL did you eat last night?"
    I prefer to believe I just have a rich interior life.
    Last night involved driving (in a luxurious fast car) over wide country lanes in the bright moonlight, being aware this was a great night for Germans to bomb us in the English countryside. I was driving way too fast, and the scene shifted to the outskirts of Portland, Oregon, where I tend to get lost in real life, and suddenlyl, Larry, a fellow librarian was with me giving directions - I missed a turn or two, and almsot smashed into a big fountain, but we got to the shack out in the desrt (???) just fine, and found the toilets rather primitive, half in and half outside.....need I add, I then woke up realizing I needed to rush down the hall to my own INSIDE bathroom?
    Why, why, why?

  2. P.S. I started thinking about your post again. Dreams are quite the big thing - in many libraries where I have worked, those dream books (call number 135) are hot items, especially in Spanish (los suenos) I recall looking in one once - artichokes are supposed to represent a flame, or a lantern, hence illuminating one's way - huh? I also used to know someone who's therapist said we are all the characters in all of our dreams. Lord, I hope not.
    Anyway, thanks for a fun and, for me, a thought-provoking piece!
    P.S. Early this morning in my last dream (before the cat woke me up for breakfast) II was supposed to be in a ping=-pong tournament (in England) and thought my number had been called to play, but apparently, the "2" was the "5" upside down, or vice versa, so it wasn't yet my turn. Again, HUH?


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