Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I should be writing

I used to define myself as a writer, but to be a writer, you actually have to stop what you are doing and put words on the page.

Alas, I have been distracted, tired or just too uninspired to write anything.

The current political climate scares the bejesus out of me and I don't want to be sucked down into the morass of daily complaining and whining.  I want action about this country, but I am not sure what.  We need change.  These are scary times and I fear for the whole planet, not just my little patch of the Foothills

I have been enjoined NOT to write too much about my grandson- and the one who will join the family this fall.

I am trying NOT to obsess about the upcoming surgery, but people keep telling me horror stories.  To save time here in future convos:

  1. yes, I know it will hurt
  2. yes, i Know PT  is important
  3. yes, I know PT will hurt
  4. No, I don't want to hear about the terrible thing that happened to your aunt's cousin' sister's hairstylist
Pleas just tell me I will be ok.  Offer to visit me bring me snacks.  This is daunting enough without any "advice".

I just turned 61 on Sunday.  SIXTY-ONE   How the heck did THAT happen??  Time marches on, as the saying goes.

So today, I will sing in the car on my way to work, try not to let the stresses of the day knock me flat, try more to live in the moment ( more on that if I ever get the review of the concert we went to on Friday, I have a rant and a rave in my head)


1 comment:

  1. Sixty-one? You are a child. I will be turning - yes - seventy in late AUgust. HOW the hell did that happen?
    I will visit and bring you flowers AND snacks - no nuts!
    At the risk of pissing you off, I hate my PT - and yet, it was the single best thing that did the most good, and when it was over - I missed it! So go figure.


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