I am sitting here, waiting on my primary care dr who was supposed to call me at 9. She's either late, or had blown me off. Can I charge HER for the missed appointment?
Seeing the surgeon today. They are going to take out the staples. I have too many to count, they look icky. As I recall this doesn't really hurt. I just want them OUT so I can move on to the next phase.
Yes I am doing my PT. Yes, it hurts, but I need to be able to SIT more than 20 minutes without needing to get up or ice it.
Some things just take time.
Apparently Norco gives you hallucinations. Who knew? ( everyone else!) I was seeing pink trees on the ceiling and had a nice convo with both my mother and my father ( although those MIGHT have been visits) I know I am hallucinating. It's not fun. I never understood the appeal of hallucinogens,
The surgery and aftercare went well and I came home the day after. Chris has been wonderful. I worry about HIM.
Keep a good thought for me around 2 pm when they take the staples out!
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