Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Surgical thoughts

today is the day.  Am I scared?  YOU BET, but as the song says "It's ok to feel afraid, but don't let that stand in your way"  He's talking about love, but you really can apply that wisdom to just about any endeavor in your life.

I am off work for six weeks.  I have to stay HOME for two.  So... if you are so inclined, PLEASE call me and come and see me- don't come by without calling, apparently they are giving me serious Norco and I might be totally gorked out in the bedroom...

I have books I may need more but I don't know.  I have food- we bought a TON of easy to make stuff for Chris to try his cooking skills on ( he CAN cook) 

I appreciate the good thoughts and prayers and encouragement.  I am still having people tell me horror stories and I REALLY think that is counter-productive, to say the least.

I will be in Kaiser Pan City overnight.  It's an afternoon surgery and a LONG one, so keep me in your thoughts around 2 pm today.

I've got this- and will have a dandy scar to show my grandsons ( yes there will be two of them in November- Heaven help Gogo!)

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