Without calling out the organization by name- if you know me you can figure it out- I am NOT looking forward to doing this.
The governing body made some decisions that, although they were their right and I have no idea of the backstory, were badly executed and WILDLY unpopular. If they had handled the announcement of the decision properly we would probably NOT be in this mess. Maybe not, as I think some disgruntled then-employees were adding fuel to the fire for their own perceived gain.
In any case, part of the fallout dragged an organization we are affiliated with into the mix. THEY insisted ( based on what MUST have been horrific stories of malfeasance) that we relocate the election to a neutral site and that they would observe.
Here is why I am so salty about it:
- The ballot counting is always held in an open forum and anyone may observe
- The ballots are counted by a third party organization and are NEVER interacted with by either the Committee or the employees
- NONE of the people who are claiming that without all of this we can't hold a "fair and clean election" have ever BOTHERED to show up at the counting.
- I am upset that they would insinuate that my Committee is not strong and independent enough to withstand any pressure from the governing body or the employees ( who BTW all work for the members)
- Now, instead of counting in a place more central to our membership, we have to schlep about a half an hour OUTSIDE City limits just to make someone feel better.
The accusation makes me rethink my commitment to this organization. Frankly, my time as a member IS winding down and maybe they just need new blood all the way around. I will think about my committee commitments ( I have several) and the overall work that I do in support of this organization.
I am NOT political in the sense that I want one person or another to run THIS organization. I just want what is best for it. It has been through worse and maybe SOME clarifications of policy will be made as a result of all of this. At this moment however, I am tired to my bones. I have NOT been sleeping or eating and this has caused a serious flare in my PH. Last night, I had chest pains that made me wonder if I should skip our anniversary celebration dinner and go straight to emergency. I didn't want to pay $100 to have them tell me it wasn't a heart attack. I know it wasn't because it's the same pain as the LAST two times I wound up in emergency. UGH. Still I am looking forward the THIS chapter in the book of this organization to be OVER. To continue the metaphor, tomorrow is a blank page and I will see what I will write as my final portion of the tale.
I have a promise to myself - NO MORE VOLUNTEERING!
ReplyDeleteDo I always keep it? Hell no.
Do I feel better though? HELL YES!
Robyn, do whatever you can to make your life EASIER and MORE MORE (or should that be MUCH MORE?) PLEASANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!