Monday, May 4, 2020

Obviously. May The 4th Be with you

Star Wars. The original film- smack in the middle of Lucas' opus of nine stories-  defined our generation in many ways.

I think I saw the movie eight or nine times at the drive-in the summer it came out.  I was newly married and the theater was not in our budget, but the drive in was.  We could bring our own snacks for one thing.

Who in that time did not love the story and oooh and ahhh at  what was then  State of the Art special effects.  People these days won't understand it, just as we might not have understood how it felt,when Dorothy opened the door from her sepia toned house onto the expanse of the Munchkin City.

It was magic.

The only "Known" name was Sir Alec Guinness and he came to loathe the film.  You have to feel for the guy;  a HUGE body of work and kids are coming up to him calling him Obi-wan.  That HAS to be demoralizing.

Still the film stays with us, even with how BAD the second trilogy was.  I still have not made it through all of them, I just throw my hands up in exasperation.  BAD casting.  I blame that.  WHO the HELL cast a seven year old as Anakin?   Cute kid but creepy as hell when you think about him and Amadala. 

Now that the trilogy time 3 is over- and I really liked the last film, it tied it up nicely, what next?  Now that Disney has the franchise, they are going to milk that cow for all it is worth.  I suppose the story of Yoda is in the works.  Baby Yoda is cute, scary, but cute.

I am waiting for an all BB8 movie ( Ok it's a running bit around my house, I have several BB8's) 

Still the thought of something that connects us all and guides us in some way if we are open to it is not so bad,  I'm going with that.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently I was the only one in the whole world who was singularly underwhelmed by it all.
    For me, May 4 has always been and will always be the birthday of my movie goddess Audrey Hepburn. Sorry, Robyn, and all the rest out there. I plan to watch "Sabrina" and perhaps "Breakfast at Tiffany's" today.


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