April is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
T.S. Eliot. The Wasteland
It's the end of April and a strange month it has been.
We have been in our homes, silent warriors in a battle for which we seem to be poorly prepared. If you know me or have read ANY of this blog for the past three plus years, you KNOW how I feel about the current American "leadership", so this morning, I will try to think of other, hopefully more "hopeful " things
On this day, 34 years ago, a guy named Harry Peak "allegedly" snuck into the stacks of ( I believe) the Science and Technology Department ( I might be misremembering what I was told, but go with me here) and lit the fire that burned the beloved Central Library. It was horrific, with every fire company in the City responding. It took a long time before staff could get back in.
Like any great tragedy, the loss and devastation at Central galvanized certain sections of the public. Help came from all over and in unusual places. If politics makes strange bedfellows, so do tragedies. I Would like to think that the odd partnerships that arose from that time, although fleeting in many cases, gave each person involved a compassion and insight that helps them in their current "day-to-day"
Compassion almost always arises out of tragedy and we become the people we really can be, if the Seven Deadly Sins aren't the thing driving us. True humanity can spring from this.
Which is where I am making my rather belabored point about today's reality. This pandemic is, hopefully, temporary. It had impacted the entire world. I am ashamed that the person in charge of this country seems to think of it as a way to increase whatever the hell it is that is important to HIM ( Money? Check, Status? Check? Braggadocio? CHECK AND CHECK) Most of us who can are asking how we can help.
In my small community, people are working with local restaurants to donate meals and other goods. After this is over, I am GOING to both those places and spending a good deal of cash, tipping staff! It makes me proud to see how my neighbors are pulling together, except for that winebar owner who is opening his business on Friday. When it was pointed out that he was breaking the law and not taking things into account regarding the safety of the community, he responded that he did not care. I hope people stay away in droves.
This will end. We will be out in the world, social distancing and wearing masks for a while. "Normal" is a concept we apply to our lives that has no basis in real time. Let as many of us get back across this as we possibly can.
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