Monday, April 13, 2020

Quarantine Day... Whatever

we begin another week in quarantine.  I think that says it all.  I am going a wee bit stir crazy, but am working 9 hours days and frankly working this was is exhausting.  The need to stay busy, doing the work they are paying me for gets to be too much.  But it is what it is.

People say they are learning a new language or creating things.  Me?  I'm clearing up emails and tracking work.  It IS a normal part of my job, but I miss the interaction with my 72 seniors who call me to ask questions or get something fixed.   I hate paperwork.  I am sure there arte people out there who love it.

I wonder when all this will be over.  They cannot say and every time we think the news is good, it gets bad.  It;s hard to hold onto hope, when it's more like a ping-pong ball than a thing with wings.

I am hoping that this is done before June, that we will have a respite, and some kind of vaccine.  I think the Germans were working on something, and give it the the Germans, they can be pretty smart ( DISCLAIMER- my grandfather came from Germany)   Hope a vaccine or something can be done soon.  The anti-vaxers, or whatever name they are calling themselves these days will still rely on herd immunity, but just HOW do we get that immunity?  VACCINES!  sigh.

Back to work in a few.  I am making a  list of all the people I need to have over to dinner and all the places I need to go to when all this is over!

It's a LONG list.

1 comment:

  1. I baked a ham for dinner last evening. Yours was better two (or three?) Easters ago.
    I also did mashed potatoes. I do not have the gift.
    I got started a bit late, so I didn't eat until 9:20. While sitting in the den watching a biography documentary of Dolly Parton. I love her. She was my mother's favorite movie star, and my mother was NOT a fan of country music. I did, however, dress up for myself, used all my best dishes, silver, etc. and decorated the living room with part of my collection of rabbits. There was no candy.
    SO, as our friend Pauline wrote to me, not the kind of Easter we are used to. BUT at least we are here!
    Today I actually started on some things I have bee putting off. I had four weeks of "fun" and "vacation." Time to knuckle down! Went through a lot of paper mess today and shredded! Next up - ironing, and the will!


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