I am heading in to work this morning. I am listening to the podcast of conversations between Bruce Springsteen and Barrack Obama. Interesting and somewhat uncomfortable, as they confront racism in this country. They each share stories of growing up, Bruce came of age in the turbulent '60's and though I an a we bit younger than he is, I remember that time It's sad when we need to do it AGAIN, because apparently, there are a LOT of people who didn't get the memo. The conversation is making me think as I squirm a bit, confronting what it means to be a person of color in this country. Can I ever REALLY understand it? well, no. But I can listen and I can learn.
A few days ago I was in a conversation about empaths and empathy. The people in the room agreed that all of us have some measure of being an empath ( I STRONGLY disagree, as I can think of at least ONE or two people who don't give a rat's patoot about anyone but themselves) The conversation turned to angels and one person stated that people become angels when they die and that people are angels. Everyone in the conversation nodded. I just kept my mouth shut. It is MY opinion that angels are a different kettle of fish, that people might become spirit guides, but angels? No. I really hate when someone posts things like "oh heaven has another angel" or that STUPID poem that ends "God only takes the best" WHAT THE HECK You do know everyone dies, right? So what do you mean by saying God only takes the best? It makes my head spin. I suppose it's a way of comforting themselves, but I don't think it does any good in the long run. Their spirits may come to us with information or comfort as needed but they do NOT morph into angels.
It's Monday and a short work week for me, as the City has given us a furlough day on Friday. They PERSIST in calling it an "unpaid holiday" Nice try but if I ain't getting paid , it's NO holiday. Friday is my regular day off so I will only work three days this week. It's ok. We are going into Memorial Day and I will have more thoughts on THAT next time.